Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cat Thursday

Contemplation ... and once again it is Diva.  This can't be good :)


Jeanne said...

What a lovely contemplation shot you have here. Can't help but wonder if you heard a crash shortly after taking this. She is a lovely kitty and looks to be very personable. Great shot. Also Thank you once again for stopping by my blog. Love to see you! Have a wonderful day!

Sylvia K said...

What a fun, delightful capture, Andrea! I do love those curious kitties!! Enjoy your day -- both of you!!

Mirjam said...

Very suspicious behaviour indeed! I hope your lovely glass sculpture remains intact. :)

Anonymous said...

I caanot have things like that out. Chloe insists they are taunting her, and retaliates. She does not contemplate.

Kate Campbell said...

Lovely shot. You're right, she may be up to no good.
You obviously love elephants as well.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Gorgeous pic, but I'm truly worried for that elephant sculpture! Do you collect elephants? My mom is also a cat lover who collects elephants. Now that would be a coincidence!

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