Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cat Thursday

Stretchy, Stretchy ...

Rubby, Rubby ...
Ahhh ... Now, where's my Breakfast ?

This is Maggie, I don't use her often because she is shy and doesn't like anyone in her space (camera's included).  We respect her preference because Maggie is 19 years old (20 in October) and has earned the right to be picky.  She is a love ...


Sylvia K said...

She's beautiful! And nearly 20!! That's amazing and she's earned the right to her space! Love your captures for the day, Andrea! Hope you both have a great weekend!

Edna B said...

Oh my, such a giggle you've given me with your kitty photos. The poses are superb! Have a wondeful day, hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

She is a joy and a delight - and I would love to be as supple as that girl.

Anonymous said...

I love Maggie. She's a gentle soul.

Kate Campbell said...

Oh hello Maggie, dear. You are a sweet little thing. Nice to see you on the blog today.

Mirjam said...

What a darling girl! She is so limber for a cat her age. I really love that first photo! :)

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

She is spry for her age...and quite a beauty. Thank you for sharing her with us!

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