Tuesday, July 3, 2012

World Bird Wednesday

This little Ringed Neck Duck has separated from his family group and is hanging with a group of Mallards ... reason being?  They hang on a beach at a resort where people feed them popcorn, ugh.  He is adorable and it is the first Ring Necked Duck I have seen, so couldn't pass up the photo op.

Enjoy your day ...


Brian King said...

A very handsome duck! Love the golden eyes!

Unknown said...

Great close up!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

EG CameraGirl said...

I've never seen a ring-necked duck but it's on my list of want-to-finds. I definitely don't approve of feeding ducks popcorn. I hope the duck survives this "kindness."

Adam Jones said...

Great shots. It's on my list to see. The duck that is not the popcorn feeding.

eileeninmd said...

How cute, I was wondering why my screen was moving when I realized it was your duck photo. Very cute.

fjällripan said...

So beautiful birds! :)

Dave said...

How cool is the first image- ok slide show... brilliant work, he`s coming to get yer

Pat said...

He is a cute little duck! I like the series showing him walking toward you.

Anni said...

How I love the top set of animated images!!!!


Roan said...

Very nice post! Love the movement of the top series.
Rubbish by Roan

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I agree with all of you who commented on the feeding popcorn to the ducks. I did tell the people I saw that it was probably more harmful than good for the ducks on many levels. They stopped feeding them, but, sadly there will be others.


Carole M. said...

a beautiful duck

Larry said...

Great shots of the Ring-necked Drake Andrea! Love that slideshow? at the top.

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