Saturday, July 14, 2012

Six Word Saturday ...

It is raining here ... at last!


21 Wits said...

Hooray for you and all the flowers around you!

Tami said...

Don't know where "here" is for you, but wish it was closer to my "here". We need the rain. Enjoy every drop.

Anonymous said...

But sadly, it is very little.

Wayne W Smith said...

That will make the crops happy.

Anonymous said...

It rained here this week too... but it is a hot rain.....

joanne said...

older I get, the more I hate the heat...bless that cooling rain...

Anni said...

my 6 words in response to yours?----WISH IT WOULD RAIN HERE TOO.

Just wanted you to know that I added a linky to my newest bird photos today. If you'd care to stop by and leave a link. And perhaps if you know of anyone who loves birding--let them know of the new birding meme I set up for a weekly run---The Bird D'Pot. Stop by if you can. And have a glorious week.

I'd Rather B Birdin'

Call Me Cate said...

Yay for rain! Most of it has missed us but I'm thankful for the little bit we've had. It's better than nothing!

Thanks for playing 6WS!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...