Thursday, July 26, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Improbably Pairings ... good grief, what is that?  I struggled and struggled with this prompt.  I started out being literal.  I mean what two things do I have pictures of that are unlikely to be seen together in real life.  That is how I started out, so my first picture is ...

Cats and Dogs are not supposed to be friends so, to many people, they would be an improbably pair ... but at my house they are all good friends so, to me, it wasn't so improbable.  None the less, I fancied it up with the pdpa painterly texture, put a frame on it and counted it as my first attempt. 

Back to square one ... once again, I am stuck on literal so I came up with another improbable pair that is a little more artsy.

These two ... the Dove and the Red Wing Blackbird are definitely an improbable pair.  But again, it is not that you might not see them in the same place once in awhile.  They definitely wouldn't hang out together so I doctored it up and made it my second choice. 

Still not satisfied, I took this picture to another level and then I said amen.  Maybe I just don't get it.  I will wait to see how others interpreted this prompt and learn from it that way.  So my final effort is ...

The same pair with a grave stone layered into it.  I love the result so I am happy with the art that I accomplished, but I am still not sure this is what the prompt was looking for.  So I shall wait and see how the rest of you approached it.  Smiles ...


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Wow! I love all three. They are such different edits and each intrigues and pleases the eye.

Love the border treatments of the second, and for some reason the first with its old pic border is my fav.

PAF is looking for whatever you make of the prompt - no right or wrong - just each person's interpretation. Literal is great, surreal is great ... bring on whatever the muse moves you to make!

So pleased you shared all three and your thought process as you created them with Photo Art Friday, Andrea!

Jeanne said...

Love this and think you did a great job! This was a hard prompt and think you have been very artsy here! Next week doors.... think i get that a little bit more. The nice thing about blogging it is just fun to see how everyone does an interpretation, and thank goodness there is diversity! very nice Andrea!

Jeanne said...

By the way, in my driveway we have a very large pecan tree and I park my car under it much of the time. Many doves roost there every night, and the top right of your second frame looks like my car window many mornings. Made me laugh when i saw the dove with the frame.

NatureFootstep said...

I´m a birder so your pair of birds goes to my heart. :) The last one looks very cold, like winter.

Brian King said...

Very cool shots! Love the pairings!

A Creative Grace said...

I love that first one, definitely improbable but I'm glad your pair get on well :)

Edna B said...

In our family, the animals all get along too. It's nice that way. I do like the way your bird photo came out with that texture. Very nice indeed. You have a great day. (I'm at work, and trying to enjoy it!) lol. Hugs, Edna B.

Sherri B. said...

I love all of your results! The dog/kitty photo is precious. Like you, I took the prompt literally at first and was struggling. So, then I decided to take the matter into my own Photoshop hands and had much better Thank you for sharing!

Pat said...

I like all three, especially the dog and cat! Such a cute picture, with a lovely painterly effect.

Ida said...

Well done. I too struggled with this theme and only managed to come up with just the one piece.
You did a great job with 3 different pieces. The Cat/Dog piece is really sweet.

Both of the Bird pieces are really unique and I'm having a hard time deciding my favorite but I'm leaning a bit more towards the last version.

Inspired By June said...

That's the fun thing about these challenges, Andrea! They can be interpreted in so many ways! I really like what you came up with! The "grave stone" texture is really neat1 Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

The creativity is in the interpretation.

Marilyn said...

Funny how a prompt can make us feel pressured to do something a certain way. Your images are all delightful but I truly love the last one! You stopped trying and let the creativity flow. You got a wonderful result!

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