Friday, July 13, 2012

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Fences ... fences, I thought.  What can I do with fences.  I started this adventure by noticing the fences around me, which sadly, I had been overlooking for a long time.  Then the fun began ...

One of my favorite things to do is drive through the country, looking for birds and animals mostly, but today it was fences.  I have to say, I found a lot of fences, more than I could ever post at one time.  So I picked some that said "rural" and made a collage.

Then I started looking around in my own neighborhoods ... and voila, more fences.  Of course I realize there are many more types of fences, but these two seemed to be typical ... once again a collage.

Driving home from the city,  I took a scenic route.  This grouping has a slight political overtone to it, but then they are still beautiful fences.

Don't you love an old graveyard.  Yes, there is a sense of sadness, but also a sense of awe.  These people lived in a time that we never experienced ... what was their life like?  My friend took me to this graveyard.  It was made an official graveyard in 1860, but there are grave markers dating back to the 1830's.  The fence in this picture is almost incidental, but still a good fence.

Here I started having a little more fun.  This picture is a shadow of a fence on a fence.  A little editing made it more pronounced and yet more peaceful.  Then to Foto Flexer with a cross process and to make it a poster. 

This picture I just love for what it is.  I took it to Foto Flexer, did a cross process and added the frame and, for me, it is done. 

This picture seems a little ominous, and it speaks to the question ... what is beyond the fence?
None of us really know for sure ... and, of course, it doesn't have to be  bad or scary.  If you knew me better you would know that I have had vultures on the glove and found them to be very social and playful, so you can't always believe what you see.  Isn't life wonderful?


Deborah said...

fantastic captures and fabulous presentation!

Pat said...

Nice selection of lovely fence images. I love the fence shadow.

Carola Bartz said...

These are great shots that I enjoyed a lot. The shadow of the fence on a fence is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

These are all really great Andrea, but my favorite is Beyond. It certainly does make one wonder what is behind that fence.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Love the vintage one. Va.erie

Anonymous said...

Interesting post...but my fence is not creepy...
just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

wow! that is a huge collection of fences !

Ida said...

Wow you embraced the fence for sure. Lots of very interesting ones. I think my favorite is the one that is 2nd to the last. I love the soft feel it has.

Brian King said...

What an awesome selection of fences! Nice job!

lorik said...

Great images! I like the "spookiness" of the first and the impressionist painting quality of the second. Third is very interesting too -interesting combinations.

River said...

There is a "face" in the leaves of the tree above the fence of the Historic graveyard. I like fences, I'm living without one right now. 2 courses of bricks along the perimeter don't count as a fence.

teri said...

Wandering over from Bonnie's Photo Art Friday.What a great collection of fences. I really love your processing on the B&W called Quietude. So nice to meet you.

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