Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Gates & Fences

Click to enlarge

I have pictures of fences and then I have pictures with fences ... and I know I have many more, but I got tired of looking :)  and I am guessing you will be tired of looking too :)  The kitty in the title is our little Buffy Boo escape artist.  We rescued her from outside and it took her a few years to be content with staying inside with the other kitties.  She is a cuddly purr box at this point :)

Andrea @ From the  Sol

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Future

I look to my Grandchildren for their future.  Above is my son's youngest who is in middle school.  I see her graduating from college some day and having a wonderful future of her own choosing.

Below is my son's oldest who just graduated from college in Pre-Vet and is in the process of applying for Vet School.   I see her future as a loving and caring animal advocate and a wonderful Veterinarian.  


At my  age who knows what the future will bring, but as a retired Nurse, Grandmother, Mother and Wife, I am guessing my future will be more like relaxing and enjoying my family ... and doing art for Rain's Thursday Art Date, of course :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Coils


Pictures taken at the 1915 Fish & Wildlife Expo

This has been a busy week for me so all I could come up with was some coiling pictures.  Hope I can do better next week.
Until then, enjoy the Spring that is upon us :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Evening



I heard this wonderful song many times in my home as a child ... yes, I know, I am dating myself :)

I usually think of evening as a relaxing time, but in reality it can be a very busy time.  I have chosen pictures that show both.  Now, since it is evening here, I think I will go relax in my favorite chair and watch a good mystery :)

Andrea @ From  the Sol

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Doorways & Alleys

Doorways & Alleys

Both are sketches with some digital background help :) then painted in Photoshop.  This was more of a challenge than I had expected ... but as always, Fun!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...