Thursday, December 24, 2015

Izzi Speak

I knows you all are excited abouts Christmas and I is exciteds for you, buts I just has to warns my Moms ... I'm nots letting some fats man in a reds suit in my house ...

Merrys Christmas Anyways!


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Making it Official ...

I'm taking a break ... I keep thinking I will have time to post and comment, but Christmas preparations are consuming my every spare moment.  So rather than feel guilty that I am not living up to my commitment, I decided to take a short break until I can make it through the holidays and then recoup :)  Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas Season and New Year or what ever your choice for celebration is ... I will be thinking of you and  I Will Be Back :) Enjoy your family and friends and Good Will to all ...


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weekend Reflection ...

I was asked ... Botanical Gardens in the Winter?  But, look for yourselves ... there is a vast, subtle beauty and I love it there in every season :)
Click to enlarge ...


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

A winter walk in the Chicago Botanical Gardens.  The Mallards and the Canadian Geese spend the winter with us, locating wherever there is open water.  There were plenty of them in the water ways when we were there,  because it has been unseasonably warm.  

Geese are wonderful birds and everyone loves them as long as they don't poop on the grass ...  Then they are considered a nuisance.  The Gardens have reached a compromise ... the geese can stay if they stay in the water where there is plenty for them to eat, but if they get on the grass, they are greeted by Border Collies who herd them back to the water.  I love it!

 The End :)


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

NF Trees & Bushes

Our trees are bare, the grass is brown ... it is winter.  But, it is warm, jacket weather ... go figure.  Climate Change?  Nah!  No such thing, right?   WRONG!


Saturday, December 5, 2015

S-A(R)T-urday Art Link Up

Please don't ask me how I got here.  It was just one of those a little of this and a little of that ...  I don't know if this is as good as it gets ... I just know, I ran out of steam :)


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good Fences

Taken by my phone before the snow hit ...  Will print a snow version sometime :)


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Winter Birds ... Different Location :)
 Dark-Eyed Junco

 The Junco's are known to be ground feeders, so it is rare to catch one on a feeder ...

 Black-capped Chickadee

Our Chickadee's are always good for a chuckle ... Can't you hear your Mother saying " Don't take such big bites!"  :)


Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...