Thursday, March 26, 2020

When was the last time ... ?

When was the last time you ...

took a walk by yourself ...

Ran with your dog ...

spent time with your immediate family ...

 Exercised at home ...

Went outside and enjoyed nature ...

Read a book from cover to cover ...

So then ...
When was the last time you said THANK YOU to the first responders ...

 to the fire fighters ...

 The Police ...

 The Truck Drivers ...

 The Grocery Clerks ...

The Pharmacist ...

The Army Hospital staff ...

The many state and local leaders that have stepped up to lead when those who should have didn't ...

The many volunteers sewing PPE for our first responders ...

And this list goes on and on ...  people  who understand the severity of the Pandemic are all stepping up, doing what they can, fighting for their families, friends and all of the human race.   It is frightening to live through a moment in time that will be a glaring page in the history books.  I thank you all for what you do for others, I pray for all to survive this scourge and my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones.  Stay safe ... do what the science dictates and follow your own good sense ... Be well, be smart, be safe ... and have hope!

Andrea @ From the Sol 

Thursday Art Date With Rain

In Like a Lion Out like a Lamb

I used my favorite technique of combining drawing (in this case with colored pencils) and digital art, some of which I took from public domain.   In like a lion could pertain to more than the month of March, but the horror of the virus that has spread throughout the world ... and continues to roar like a lion.  I hope all of you are doing well and being safe.  Follow the rules of social distancing and find ways to stay home and still maintain your sanity ... I wish you all well!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Light ...

Dark ...

Natural Light ...

Light Fixtures

Dark created by light

The lighter side ...

Light Use in Art ...


In the dark of night ...

These are dark times ... the people of our world are suffering everywhere.  I hope all of you are home and safe ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...