Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Bird D'pot

I took a friend to get her hair cut and as I was waiting for her I heard the calls of several Sandhill Cranes.  When she was finished we drove toward the sounds I had heard and, sure enough, there was a pair right by the road.  They were not at all happy that I stopped to take their pictures and started their loud "yodeling" in disgust ... you know they accuse women of being drama queens ... take a look at Mr. Sandhill ... ya think he was getting a little carried away :)  This was a fun and unexpected capture ... hope you enjoy it.


mick said...

Great photos. You were certainly in the right place at the right time.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love the last one, she caught you taking pics of them lol.

My Shadow Shot, come and see.

Carola Bartz said...

Just one word: amazing!!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Beautiful birds, at any rates...

Carole M. said...

fabulous photos and amazing the video one just imbedded like that - not a u-tube; wondering how you did that?

Anni said...

Oh my gosh....these photos of the cranes are stupendous. I especially like the very last one where the one on the right is looking right at the camera lens!!! Awesome.

Vores have said...

Beautiful picture series you run.
Wishing you a good day :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I was there to see them strut their stuff! My favourites!! <3
McGuffy's Reader

Anonymous said...

I love the way you animated the photo!

Pat said...

Great shots and i love the animation!

EG CameraGirl said...

I dream of seeing sandhill cranes myself. What fun to see the photos animated.

I will play this meme next week! :)

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful to see..

Larry said...

I love Sandhill Cranes and I especially love hearing their ancient calls!

Adam Jones said...

Great birds to see. Lucky you.

Stewart M said...

What great birds - I'd love to see a Sandhill in the flesh (feather?)

I thought I’d let you know that I stepped into the void caused by Springmans decision to close down World Bird Wednesday by setting up Wild Bird Wednesday (!) on my photoblog at Paying Ready Attention – Photo Gallery.

Feel free to visit and link.

Stewart M - Australia

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