Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Merry Christmas

White Christmas 

Nobody plays it better than David Garrett and I can't think of a better way to wish you all a Beautiful and Blessed Christmas!

Andrea @ From The Sol

Monday, December 16, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Christmas Lore and Stories

Little Drummer Boy

classic version

Old Fashioned Version

Yikes ... a modern version !

There are so many Christmas Stories, but this is one of my favorites so I focused on  "The Little Drummer Boy".  I'll be curious to hear your responses to the three different versions ... :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Being cozy is a state of mind (and warm body) but to my two boys, Chachi and Fonzi, it is a way of life.

Now that they are older they have included our newest kitty (Buffy Boo) in their cozy ways.  Diva (the devil child) our other female cat has never been big on "cozy" so it was always just the boys.  But Buffy, who spent the first year of her life outside and alone, was ripe for some lovin' and the boys were more than happy to give it ... 

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Flavours and Aroma
Day Dreaming of a BAD Aromatic Experience ...

Yummmm ...

Do I know you?

 To each his own :)

These are all pictures from my past.  No time for drawing this week or maybe more as I am attempting to complete my Christmas Card .  Hope you enjoy ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

RAin Frances Creations ... City Streets

 City Streets  Streets of Chicago This barely scratches the surface of Chicago streets.  And, there are many more cities I could add to this...