Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday Art Date With RAin ... Rough Textures

 Rough Textures

While you are looking at this rough pile of garbage ... find the cat :)

There is actually a bird in picture ... can you find it?

 Starting here in Switzerland ...

A swiss butterfly :)


This tree is laden with faces ... can you see them?

Switzerland ending here ...

Of course this could go on forever ... there are so many sources of rough everywhere, but I think you have the idea ... Happy Days ... stay safe 😉

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday Art Date With RAin ... Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors ...


Chicago Botanical Gardens

Store window reflecting buildings across the river ... (Switzerland)

Store window in Antioch showing buildings across the 
street ...

Buildings in Chicago ...

Diva's reflection in our black refrigerator ...

Reflection, in window, of two young ladies sitting across from us on a high speed train in Switzerland.

Christmas lights reflecting on the wet deck 

Stain glass church windows reflected in the basin of Holy Water ...

Chicago's Bean ...

Two views inside the Bean ...

Our view of the lake with a reflection of the loft stairs ...


Fireworks on the lake ...

 Had enough?  I thought so :)  The End, finally :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...