Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Birds and the Sky

Birds and ...

Female Downy Woodpecker

American Kestrel

 Whooping Crane

Coopers Hawk


White Pelican


White Pelicans

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Crane

The Sky

Birds have been my thing for years so I have many, many photographs I could share, but I picked a few that I liked and a few that I created.  As for the sky ... now, with the advent of cameras in our phones, we can capture sky shots that are spectacular.  Before you had to depend on having your camera with you ... one good thing about modern technology :)  This was a fun post and the best part of it was that it distracted me from the horrible goings on in our country.  We have some very angry people in our country and they don't seem to have a grasp on reality ... that is a combination that leads to disaster and so far that is exactly where it is going.  And on top of it all, these same people don't think they have to wear masks and keep a distance so it is one tragedy on top of another.  I am grateful my parents aren't here to see this.  They would be devastated, as am I.  Is there hope?  Some days I think so and others, well, I just can't be sure.  Keep your heads down and follow the CDC guidelines and maybe we will survive this mess.

Andrea @ From the Sol


Christine said...

Beautiful selection of birds Andrea! Fingers crossed for next week's inauguration and after.

Karen said...

Wow ~ So many beautiful pictures! art and photos are all wonderful ~ Enjoy your weekend ~ Love, Karen

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some lovely, lovely photos here, Andrea! The meadowlark is probably my all-time favourite bird. It's beautiful lilting song was an important part of my childhood on the Canadian prairies. I've lived in large urban centres now for the past 45 years, where meadowlarks are never heard, and I miss them terribly.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I KNEW when I came here, your birds would blow me away. I never thought to break up the sky shots. I don't have a cell phone, but I do have a camera that goes everywhere I go (which sadly isn't far with the virus raging in my city).

I think my favorites may be the sand hill cranes. I was in Nebraska one year for a conference and drove about 50 miles to the wildlife preserve near Kearney see the cranes in the Platte Valley as they landed. To say the sky was black with them would be an understatement. I've never seen so many birds, much less sand hill cranes in any one spot in my life before or since.

I loved each and every photo you shared and each bird you drew. This was a magical journey with birds and sky.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Forgot to mention my word of the year is hope, and I'm hoping all goes well with the inauguration and beyond.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

What wonderful and fantastic drawings! The photos are so beautiful too. Good thing you were rejected for a while. I feel the same way.
Take care of yourself, hugs Elke

CAAC said...


You've done an outstanding job over the years capturing birds of flight. I've tried but usually fail capturing on flying. Even when I managed to get on perched my picture doesn't turn out well. Your artistic renderings are nice, too. The paintings are amazing! :)

Common sense is all we need to get through this pandemic but that died a long time ago. For those of us who still have an ounce of it, then we know what to do. Saying prayers for our nation, the leaders, and our people. May peace engulf your heart and mind during these troubling days, my friend.

Curious as a Cathy

Elderberry-Rob said...

you have some lovely artwork and photography here making a really inspiring post... hope politically you will feel more secure soon - changes ahead :)

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! :) Your woodpecker and kestrel art pieces are fabulous!! The whooping crane is so artistic! I love all of your bird photos and I knew this week's theme would be right up your alley! :) The pelican photo is beautiful! The sky shots are so pretty, I love all of the birds in flight! My favourite photo is the foggy sky! :)

Phil Slade said...

Hello Andrea. I wish to thank you for your kind, thoughtful and appurtenant comments on my blog. I am now here on your blog to find myself wanting to return the complement. Your pictures, whether art, photographs or perhaps digitised are all so excellent. One or two have given me a few ideas for when next I am out (who knows?) and the weather is suitable.

I really like the dramatic background sky of the house with the dark green trees. It so much reminds me of here in coastal Lancashire where the weather can change in an instant.

Also, the pelicans and the silhouette cranes are just super.

Have a good weekend.

Taken For Granted said...

Wonderful bird photos. We have traveled to see the Sandhill Cranes migrate. They are amazing birds. Always good to see a Meadow Lark.

DVArtist said...

Wow these are truly wonderful photos.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! :) Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! You're always so supportive and sweet!! :) I think I gained more weight lol...yesterday was Alex's bday and I made him TWO desserts....I'm still full this morning! The solvent I use is odorless solvent: I don't know if that's available in the States or not but it works pretty well. It took me a while to figure out how much to use so as not to make every thing soggy and I need to use watercolour paper when I use it or the regular sketch pad paper thins too much. I pay for a few Patreon memberships where I find tutorials. Actually I'm down to one membership now, her name is Kirsty Partridge. She has a You Tube channel where she does a few quick tutorials and offers lots of tips on various art mediums and styles. I did one of her tutorials for the duckling! :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This is a wonderful collection of images of birds, assembled in a fashion that challenges the viewer. As for the mood it your country, and the events of recent days, it is sobering indeed and I fear that it is not going to change any time soon. There are so many people who have been fed lies and believe them, who refuse to accept verifiable facts, and let's not forget that 74 millions of them voted for Trump. He will be gone soon but his terrible legacy will live on I am afraid.

Tom said...

...Andrea, you have so many wonderful images this week. I tried to pick and favorite and then I found another and another. The angry idiots that you referred to are the same idiots that refuse to take the pandemic seriously. Take care stay well.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea, so many beautiful images of both birds and sky. My favorite among the birds is Whooping Crane. So beautifully created. :) And that angry sky looking like an ocean are amazing. Or, is it the other wy around?? Who can tell.

I lost hope for humanity years ago. I read a lot of science and how people neglect truth if they can earn a few dollars. On top of that there are a bunch of spoild "5-yearolds" that think they can do what ever they please.

I´m afraid none will stop in a near future. :(

Take care Andrea. Stay away from the angry ones. At least we have our art and wildlife to enjoy!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

All great shots however my favourite is the Whooping Crane. FABULOUS. Thanks for commenting on my posts, I appreciate that, Have a good week ahead.

Kokopelli said...

Wonderful photos of birds and the sky! Not sure, if you went back to my blog for the answer concerning the robin. Yes, "my" robin is the European Robin, like the ones in the UK. Very different from the American robin. :) And yes, there is hope! Always! Stay safe and healthy! :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...