Monday, July 23, 2012

Macro Monday


Jan n Jer said...

Love it...the detail is outstanding

Sylvia K said...

Terrific macro shot, Andrea! Love the colorful bug -- up close and personal! Have a great week!

Brian King said...

Great shot of the ladybug!

Bettey said...

Awesome details! Thanks for sharing :)

If you get a chance, come over to my blog and say hello!
"Like" Hood Photography on Facebook!

Pat said...

Great close up shot!

Anonymous said...

Well, I like the lady bug! (Not too fond of bugs, you know...) Of course, Bill's Giant Stonefly was interesting. :)

Edna B said...

Now, that's a great macro shot!! Your robin shots are fabulous. Orange is my favorite color, so need I say how much I love the poppies? I'm going to have to check out these other photo challenge sites, you're having too much fun! Have a wonderful night, hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

Andrea what a great shot this is of this lady bug on a flower.! Really like this

Anntanami said...

I love the Close up and Personal feeling

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