Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

And Another surprise ... I have received another award from McGuffy Ann @ McGuffy's Reader.

Thank you McGuffy Ann.  I am so glad that you feel that my blog is worthy of your notice and I am proud to be on your list of those who deserve this honor.   You are the best and you have my heartfelt appreciation for your thoughtful award.

Seven Random Facts About Me:

1.  My 48th Wedding Anniversary is coming up pretty soon.  I can't imagine that I have been married that long.  The time has just flown by ...

2. I have two adult children who, I think, are really good people.  They have good hearts and will do anything for you if you ask and sometimes when you haven't even asked. 

3. I have one beautiful granddaughter.  She is my son's daughter and she will be "Sweet 16" this month.  How did I get so old?

4. I am a retired nurse as of the end of last May.  I retired from Hospital nursing 12 years ago and continued as a Home Health Infusion nurse until I finally decided it was time to walk away.  It makes me sad, but when you get my age it is hard to trust that you will remember everything you need to, especially in an emergent situation.  In home health you are alone, no immediate back up.  I would never want to put one of my patients at risk, so, again, it was time.

5.  My first college degree was in Business Administration.  I was the only girl in all of my business classes and I had one professor tell me that if I decided to stay in his class, I wouldn't get anything higher than a "C".   He was wrong! :)

6.  My husband is my best friend, though we are complete opposites.  Our marriage has been one of total compromise ... he does what he does best and I do what I do best and somehow everything gets done.  It works and we are still best friends ...

7.  I am disappointed in mankind.  Look at the world we live in, all of the problems and hardships.  They are of our own making ... we could and should do better.

I will be passing this award on, without obligation, but with appreciation to several of the bloggers I have been following and enjoying.  As I said before, many artist/photographers are "no award" bloggers.  No one is obliged to follow up on the award ... but please do accept it.  The idea is to let them know that I feel their blog is worthy of an award ...

1.  Kim Foale @ FrogpondsRock Kim is a women after my heart.  She is real, honest, artistic, writes wonderful stories and supports wonderful causes.  She is a gifted photographer and a lover of clay ... ceramics is her passion.  Her ceramics are gorgeous.  Well worth a look-see.  She is certainly deserving of this award.

2.  Sylvia @ Over The Hill Sylvia is brilliant and she is funny.  She makes me laugh every time I visit her blog.  I think Sylvia deserves something in return for all of those fun moments, thus the award.  Thanks Sylvia ...

3. Michelle @ Brain Angles - Invisible Ink.Brain Angles - Invisible Ink  Michelle's motto is "Stay Inspired".  On her blog she does everything she can to keep you inspired (many versions of digital photography, photo painting , traditional medium art and combinations of both) and demonstrates how inspired she is.  Her blog is well worth a visit.  You will be inspired.


Mirjam said...

Congratulations, Andrea, you really deserve the award! It's nice to learn a little more about you. I know you enjoy photography, love animals and are a retired nurse, but I did not know that you have been happily married for nearly 48 years. I think that's truly wonderful! :)

Anonymous said...


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