Monday, September 26, 2016

Through My Lens

Nigara at Night

We are off to ride the boat into the falls ...

They provide us with rain gear, thankfully :)

 American Falls

Horse Shoe Falls on Canadian side ...

On boat going toward Horse Shoe Falls ...

Getting wet by Horse Shoe Falls

Back on solid ground :)

Walking along walkway at night ...

 Headed back to Hotel ...

 Night views from Hotel window :)

Fireworks ...

Good Night :)


(also linked to ...)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Good Fences

A Fence Without a Purpose
This little fence sat quietly right in the middle of a field on the Bong Nature Preserve.  I say "without a purpose" as, if it has a purpose, it isn't obvious ... But that said, it wouldn't surprise me if it was put there as a perch for the many birds that are there (except when I am there, it seems).


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Bong Nature Reserve, Wisconsin

It has been my experience that Bong is either overflowing with wildlife or there is basically nothing in sight ... today the pickings were very slim, but worth the effort.  
 This handsome Red Tail female (based on her size) juvenile (based on eye color) was watching us closely as we passed.

We went a long way before we saw anything else and even it was barely in range of my camera ... this is a Green Heron resting on a tree next to the pond.  I am assuming all the birds were taking a siesta. We did see a few small birds, but they were too far away for me to get a clear shot so we just enjoyed the views around the park.  


Monday, September 19, 2016

Through My Lens

A Wonderful Long Weekend

This weekend we were off(at 3am) on a long drive around the south end of Lake Michigan, across the state of Michigan (with one stop in Kalamazoo, Michigan for the best Donut Shop in the world)  ...
This is a butter cream filled donut ... yummm!  It actually took me three days to eat it all :)

 Through Detroit and across the Bridge to Canada ...

Going east across a long stretch of Canada ...

To the city of Niagara Falls, Canada ...

And arriving at our hotel in the afternoon ... we checked in and went up to our rooms ...

 And this was the view from my window ...

Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada

American Falls, Niagra Falls, New York


 Next we took a little nap, got cleaned up and headed down to the Falls ...

Mint, my daughter-in-law ... she is as sweet as she is pretty :)

 The Three of us ... and the falls peeking over our shoulder in the corner ... :)

There are rainbows everywhere at this time of day ...

The Canadian Falls, up close and personal ...

(turn volume up and listen to the roar)

Just a few fun facts for you :)
*2800 sq meters per second ... 85000 cubic feet per second ...700,000 gallons per second pass over these falls.

*1/5 of the worlds fresh water supply passes over these falls.

*4 0f the 5 great lakes empty into the Niagara River which passes over these falls and  empties into Lake Ontario.

*The base of this waterfall is 185 feet deep.

The American Falls, not quite so up close and personal ...

The old power house building ... no longer in use

The Welcome Center
The walkway ...

Going in the welcome center to grab a bite to eat ...

After dinner we walked the length of the walkway between the falls.  It was evening and the sun was beginning to set ...

On to our next adventure ... Next Week :) 


(also linked to ...)

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...