Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! ... Bedroom Furniture


Bedroom Furniture

Old Art

Sadly this doesn't happen at my house anymore ... we have but one cat, Buffy, down with us and she is the silent type :(

Two more weeks of furniture ... Phew!  This is more difficult than prompts that I have too many of :)
Wishing you all a delightful and hopefully comfortable (as opposed to steamy hot) week.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Friday, August 11, 2023

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date ... Living Room Furniture

 Living Room Furniture 

Obviously furniture is not at the top of my list of things to photograph so I am left with slim picking's when Rain choses to prompt "furniture" of any kind.   So for a second week, I spent more time searching than creating.  So here goes nothing ...

I have a small collection of cat figures that resemble my Boyz ... who are no longer with me.  But I still remember them for all the years of joy we shared together :)

Speaking of Da Boyz ... this is Chachi snoozing on the living room sofa :)

Living room furniture in the Frank Lloyd Wright House in Oak Park, Illinois ...

Old Art

So that's it for me folks ... until the next week of Kitchen Furniture  :(

Andrea @ From the Sol

P.S.  I am in the process of trying to complete a project for my friends birthday ... it is taking far more time than I anticipated and thus I have been remiss when it comes to F/U on comments.  I will make it up to all of you soon ... thank you for your understanding :)

Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday Face Off ...

This is Maisy, my Granddoggie ... she is an Mini Aussie like my Izzi and I get to dog sit her for two days this weekend.  I am excited to be able to take walks with an Aussie again ... but I guarantee you, I'll be exhausted by the end of the day 😆

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thrusday Art & Dinner Date! ... Dining Room Furniture

 Dining Room Furniture

I have but one lowly little sketch/digital piece of art for you this week.  I strongly suspect I could have found some photo's of dining room Furniture in my files, but failed to find the time to look for them.  Hopefully I will do better next week :)
Meanwhile, enjoy your week everyone ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...