Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Favorite Spring Visitors ... The Wood Ducks

The Wood Ducks arrive in the spring as a pair and then shortly after, he will disappear.  She will be spotted from time to time in the channels with her group of babies.  So our visit each year is too short, but I always look forward to it.


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesdasy

Just a Spring day on the Lake ...
The loon calls to another loon ...

 Mr. & Mrs. Mallard

  A pair of Seagulls

Mr. & Mrs. Common Merganser

A pair of Wood Ducks in our neighbor's tree ...

 Mr. Wood Duck

 Mrs. Wood Duck

 The other Loon ...

 Fish Dunking ...

 Mr. & Mrs. Greater Scaup


Mr. Turkey moving quickly away from me (in neighbor's yard) ... The End :)


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

The Common Loon

We have Loons on the lake twice a year ... once as they migrate north to their mating grounds and in the fall when they return south to escape the cold winters.  Their song echos across the lake speaking of the approaching Spring  ... I do love our Loons :)


Rain Frances Creations ... Mouse

Mouse Old Art From a Christmas card drawn by my sister ...               New Art    Photos And last but not least ... our family mouser :) T...