Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Feature

"Your Sunday's Best" didn't post and "Sunday Selection" is taking a rest, so I guess this is just a  FROM THE SOL Sunday feature ... Hope you enjoy it anyway.

There are fungus among us ... and up close and personal they can be beautiful.  These are just a few of many ... enjoy!

Have a wonderful, spiritual Sunday ...


Jeanne said...

It is fun photographing these as the diversity is amazing. Nice shots.

EG CameraGirl said...

I haven't seen many fungi lately. It rained a bit today so a few specimens may appear soon though. I like the texture on the cap of the first mushroom and you captures the gills on the mushrooms in the second photo very well.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

These fungi are filled with wonder!

Befriending the Dark

Anonymous said...

I am always fascinated at the beautiful & wonderful things that God creates.
No one can match Him. Thanks for sharing.
McGuffy's Reader

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