Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday

Just A Robin ...
My friend and I, when we walk, catch ourselves saying,"it's just a Robin," when ever we see a bird and are excitedly looking to see what it is.  Just a Robin because we have Robins everywhere.  They seem to be surviving successfully in spite of all of the weather issues.  And now, at this time of year we have Robin fledglings and so there are more Robins.  This is a wonderful thing and we laugh when we say "Just  a Robin" because we both know they are wonderful, sometimes even even comical birds and there will never be too many of them for our liking.  So enjoy ...

Mom with a moth to feed her impatient flegling ...

The well fed Fledgling ...

Different pair, same story ...

The well fed fledging ...

This story is repeating itself all around us ... The blessings of Nature and the lessons of parenthood.


Adam Jones said...

Very nice. I do like your Robins.

TexWisGirl said...

well, i used to see 'just a robin' in wisconsin where i grew up. now in texas, i see them only in passing or if a few stay thru the winter. but i never get to see 'just a robin baby' anymore! :)

Gail Dixon said...

When I spotted my first robin I was so excited. Then I started seeing them everywhere (spring time) and said the same as you! I've never seen one, however, with all those spots on the breast. Must be a juvenile? Anyway, lovely photos! Stopping by from WBW.

eileeninmd said...

How cute, I love the spotted fledglings. Wonderful shots of the robins.

leanne can blog said...

love the first shot, the robins are beautiful, and I like that you've also captured a feeding moment.

larainydays said...

We rescued a baby hummingbird several years ago and it still comes back to visit

Arija said...

Don't you just love the way their beak just about unhinges when they feed? Beautifully captured.

Thanks for your kind comment. You have six wrens in N.America. Maybe not as colourful as ours, but just as sweet. Have a peek here

Pat said...

Beautifully captured Robins! Love that first shot.

Sylvia K said...

I love your robins and such delightful captures for the day! I do so agree - the blessings of Nature and the lessons of parenthood!! Wonderful post, Andrea!!

Brian King said...

What great shots! Love the spotted plumage on the young one.

holdingmoments said...

Good to see the young ones.

Many years ago, when I was a kid, I used to see so many Tree Sparrows; just Sparrows. Sadly, now, they are in sharp decline here.

Edna B said...

These are great shots of your robins. I love watching the robins here. Have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I don’t think a bird that looks like that is ever going to be "just" a robin.

Thanks for being involved with the new WBW.

Stewart M - Australia

Anonymous said...

I will never get used to how funny it is to see a big feed one its own size! I know, it is that parental thing. Others do it, humans!

Kaili Williams said...

Great shots! We don't have any Robins down here, but I loved seeing them when I would visit up north. They are common, but fun to watch.

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