Thursday, October 16, 2014

Badger Boos 13th Birthday

Now, I hasn't been Badger Boos friend for 13 years mainlys because, I hasn't been around that longs myself.  But, my Moms says that 13 is her luckys number (and here I thoughts it was supposed to be bads luck) so I am thinkin's that Badger Boos turning 13s is a goods thing.  So I is also thinkin's (my Moms tells me I thinks too much) that having a Birthday parties for Badger Boos lets him bes the centers of attention since he is havings to deal with a new brothers.  So that sounds likes good lucks to me and I am all fors it!  You are a good Mums for throwings this partys for Badger Boos ... my Moms thinks so toos.  Hope this is your Best Birthdays Ever, Badger Boos, my friend.  You deserves it!


Dawn Hart said...

**waves paw**
Hello Izzi it's me Badger Boo, thank you so much for the pawsome Birthday blog post, mummy shared it in the facepoop event for you by copy and pasting the www address.

Now must go and find out where my blog post has disappeared too, it's vanished completely **stamps paw in frustration-**

Thank you again my pawsome buddy
Badger Boo xxxxxxc

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a fun post. It did make my laugh.

biebkriebels said...

That is a respectable age for a dog. Happy anniversary.

MTWaggin said...

Happy happy birthday!

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwws this is justs so sweets!!

marsha said...

Stewie says Happy Birthday Badger Boos!!!

The Queen Jester said...

You are a sweet and thoughtful dog, Izzi.

Ida said...

Happy Birthday Badger Boo!

Jeanne said...

Happy birthday, a bit late , to your fur friend!

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