Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekend Reflection

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While traveling to Grindelwald, Switzerland on a high speed train, we sat across from two young teens who were clearly not accompanied by adults and were behaving in a rather annoying fashion.  So I took their reflection in the window as the trees flashed by and it turned out to be rather interesting. :)  They did finally get up and leave.  I am guessing sitting across from two old poops was probably just as annoying to them as they were to us.  Oh well, it's that old "Generation Gap" again.  I am sure their parents think they are adorable :)


Nefertiti said...

reflection a grande vitesse joli effet bravo ;o)

TexWisGirl said...

a very cool shot!

marsha said...

wow- interesting photo for sure!

'Tsuki said...

WOW ! Stunning ! I love the sensation of speed you were able to capture and the colors are amazing ! That is a lovely participation indeed !

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea. How clever of you to spot that very creativ.e shot. I like it

Melissa said...

Very cool! Nice discovery.

The Queen Jester said...

Nicely done reflection, very interesting effect.

Revrunner said...

I don't know, maybe there was a reason their parents put them on that train. :-) said...

At least you managed to shoot a great picture....

James said...

Looks like you made the most of an annoying situation. This a really cool shot!

Jeanne said...

Very interesting! It is funny because I also did some reflections of people in the windows when I was on a train in Switzerland. Glad you did not have to put up with them for too long! LOL

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