Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

Die Schweizer Coot ...
These Coots are probably everywhere in Europe, but this little group was along the shores of Lake Zurich in Wadenswil, Switzerland.  
(Please note how very, very clear and clean the water is ... sigh:)

A juvenile and an adult ...

What I love about the Coot? ...  their big feet:)

They actually can run on the water with these ... fun to watch!

So you say A Coot is a Coot, is a Coot ... Not
The American Coot is the same, but different ... reddish spot on forhead and markings on their bill, but they also
have big feet.  

Sorry, I am a day late in Australia, but it is Wednesday here in the States so we're still good.  Have a great week!


Mersad said...

They are very interesting birds. Lovely photography.

Mersad Donko Photography

Rohrerbot said...

I love your Coots and the water looks wonderful! During their mating molt, our American Coots will also develop a red spot at the "forehead" area. Their feet are so large! Thanks for sharing your trip.

TexWisGirl said...

very cute!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful, colorful bird and what FEET!!! Great captures for the day -- well, actually great for any day!! Hope your week is going well!!

Edna B said...

I agree they are quite an interesting bird. I've seen some in Florida, but the ones I saw had an orangey red crown of sorts. Hmmm, I'll have to back track and find my pix. The photos of the water are awesome. The water is so clean and clear. Remember when a lot of our rivers and ponds looked like this too?

We're having a spell of wet, gray weather but I'm not complaining because we really do need the rain. It's the sun and the warm temps that I'm missing. Ah well, perhaps we still have some nice days ahead to enjoy before the cold weather moves in.

Pogo spent a little while this morning playing with his new friend Sunshine. However, it's going to take some time for the kitty to finally feel safe enough to play and make friends. Now it's time for me to think up something tasty for Pogo's lunch. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Love the COOT series of ' shots and love the way you have edited the'foot' shot.

BumbleVee said...

Big feet, long dangly and a sort of crazy look....what's not to love?....

mick said...

Great photos and I especially like the color and clarity of the water. We have Coots in Australia also but a slightly different form. They all have those enormous feet!

Elephant's Child said...

So that is why my feet are so big. Nice to know.
Love the coots - and am in awe at the clarity of the water.

Stewart M said...

Nice pictures - we have the same coot as Europe in Australia - a very wide spread bird.

WBW stays open until Saturday - so you are not even really late - just a little delayed!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Hootin Anni said...

Their feet, or so I've read, are constructed just for that....running over swampy, muddy, water. Coots never cease to amaze me. And I love hearing them when their hidden in the reed, calling to one another.

Anonymous said...

Always fun to see coots.

The Queen Jester said...

Now I see coots in a whole new way thanks to you. It's the clarity of the water that had me speechless, it's harder and harder to find water that clean anymore.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Lovely share of the Coots. We have them here in the Winter months and so they should be arriving soon on their migration flight. Very nice share as always. Happy weekend!

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