Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mandarin Orange Monday

I am doing an art class next week called mixed media.  We are planning on working in the oranges and reds so I thought, well here's a little girl who comes by those colors naturally.  So since I am playing with these colors anyway for MOM ... I am starting with this precious little Screech Owl.

Here is another owl ... The Barn Owl, that has some natural oranges in his feathers (we usually refer to it a s a Cinnamon color) that with a little boost I can enhance them enough to do MOM :)

Hmmm ... do you think these two could get along in close quarters?

For the sake of l'orange ...
Happy MOM Everybody!


NatureFootstep said...

mixed media seems fun, love your work with the owl.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Both beautiful Owls.I like the 2nd edit of the first Owl and the 3rd edit of the 2nd Owl. Last shot for me is Too orange and flat looking.

The Queen Jester said...

I was a mixed media's perfect for those ADD types that can't decide what medium they want to work in. It's easier to just use all of them. I hope we see some photos of what you produce in your or not.

Jeanne said...

I do like the orange one (last) one very much. Being an Owl lover i also love the originals.

Michelle said...

Love your artistic rendering of these owls. My favorite bird!

abrianna said...

Sure does sound fun to do a mixed media class.

Stewart M said...

Owls are great to see, and their faces seem to lend themselves to art.

The sundew has little sticky hairs on its leaves which roll onto any flies that land on them - the plants don't get energy from the fly, just nitrogen that they use to make proteins. I think that a politician would poison any sundew that caught one!

cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Lmkazmierczak said...

Cool those owls♪

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous little owls. Fun treatments!

Ida said...

First I loved the owls, such great looking birds. Then I enjoyed your edits. I love the result of the last one.

Jeanne said...

Love your edits on these owls! And also what a great combination shot! They are beautiful!

lorik said...

And a happy MoM to you Andrea:) Your art this week is, again, fantastic. My favourite..was going to say is the third...but then I took another long look....and now I can't decide. I do especially like the way you have overlapped the two different ones.... i think you must have had lots of fun. I have only once seen an owl...other than a zoo etc....I saw it from my kitchen window..just the silhouette...on a neighbours tree two doors down. A very exciting moment! I live 9 mins (by bus) from the CBD...and we have possums, fruit bats and once had blue tongued lizard living in our back yard. Oh....and we have least one. Amazing eh? :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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