Wednesday, October 22, 2014

NF DAM Digital Art Meme


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Both lovely however on this occasion I prefer the first one.

The Queen Jester said...

sweet image

NatureFootstep said...

great edit of the sunflower with guest. :) I like teh fact that you deleted some areas of the texture. It enhances the image. And...thanks for doing the optional theme. :) Love it!

Jeanne said...

love your rendition of the sunflower, and what a cute little bee was thrown in to the scene!

Prairie Jill said...


CJ said...

Wonderful painterly effects, almost a cross between dry brush and pastels.

Edna B said...

Very creative editing. I'd love to have seen the original photo. Well, we got the heavy rain and wailing winds last yesterday and last night, along with thunder and lightning during the night. Today things have calmed down. Wind is still blowing but not too frisky, and the rain is falling lightly. Perhaps the worst of it has passed.

Today will be a relaxing lazy day spent working on crochet projects. With the wind still blowing, Pogo will be busy in front of his door barking at whatever moves about. There is a ton of fallen leaves on the ground, so he should be busy most of the day. lol.

Andrea, do stay away from electric tools and garden equipment. Sometimes it's best to hire a local high school kid to come by and help with the yard work. You can't afford to lose any of your fingers. Do take care of your hand and give it time to heal.

Pogo is taking a break and having himself a nice nap, so I think I'll enjoy a second cup of coffee. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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