Wednesday, October 15, 2014

NatureFootstep Abstract

In the beginning there was a little seed pod ...

  So what happened?

A little here and a little there ... 

And things keep changing ...

Until ...
The End ...


Anonymous said...

what looks like the seed pod went for a ride on a roller coaster!!
Cool effects!

CJ said...

Oh---I love it and thanks for showing your steps. No one could guess what the original image was. And if kept getting more colorful, too.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Well I am laughing. These are wonderful. It was fantastic to see what you started with. Now I would have stopped at number 4 before the E shaped one. Number 4 is brilliant, has great depth and looks more stable. (just my opinion)

NatureFootstep said...

it is always a pleasure to see what you made of your first images. I love this. My favourites is the first one and the last one. But all are nice. A great serie. :)

Lmkazmierczak said... all the forms♪

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