Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

My dilemma ... I had planned to post this bird today.  I cleaned up the pictures and did a little necessary cropping so that you could get a clear view of the bird.  Then I went to the Internet to see if I could identify him.  I had found him in a mountainous area of Switzerland.  Many of the birds I had seen over there were much the same as what we have here, but this little fellow (Or girl) is unique and really cute ... I thought he looked like he was wearing a Toupee, which made me chuckle.  My dilemma is that I have not been able to identify him.  I saw one picture of him on Google images, but they didn't give the name of the bird or a reference place to learn about him.  Bummer!

So, to make a long story short, I am posting him anyway in hopes that one of the many knowledgeable birders out there will recognize him.  All I need is a name, then I can look him up and learn about him.  So the operative word for today is ...HELP!  I am hoping that he isn't a common, easily recognized bird that I could find in my own backyard like the last time I yelled "Help!" I sure don't want to get the reputation of a birder who yells "Wolf" one too many times :) But, be warned all you young whippersnappers ... forgetting things is part of the Old Poop life style ... someday you will think of me when it happens to you, Ha! So for now, can you help me out here?

Have a great WBW week everyone ... :)


TexWisGirl said...

definitely a wagtail. maybe a black and white?

Unknown said...

Wonderful shots of the wagtail. The white wagtail motacilla alba is very common in Europe. It's one of my favorite birds.

Hootin Anni said...

Excellent find Andrea [I don't know what it is...but I'm sure those living in Europe will help you out]

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea My suggestion is a Pied Wagtail.

theconstantwalker said...

Pied Wagtail.... lovely birds to see

eileeninmd said...

I am by no means an expert on European birds, but maybe a Wagtail? Great sighting..

Brian King said...

I'm not familiar with this one, but I believe your ID has been made by others. Very handsome bird!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Well I know it's definitely not a Wren - haha!
Have a great week.
Wren x

The Queen Jester said...

You certainly have some bird knowledgeable friends!

Karen said...

I'm an old poop too, and I love your shots!

A Colorful World said...

Nice shots. Glad you had some help identifying him. I'm kind've useless when it comes to id's. :-)

biebkriebels said...

It is a Pied Wagtail "Motacilla alba yarelli", looke it up in a book, and see now that Andrew had the same idea.

Edna B said...

Well, I looked it up in my bird books, and I have to agree with the consensus here that it is most likely a Wagtail. It looks as if this one has a mouth full of dinner. Good shot!

Did you have any luck seeing the Blood Moon this morning? I tried, but we had heavy cloud cover, and once the clouds went by there was no moon, just one twinkling little star. Ah well, the next moon show will in April 2015.

Now it's time to see what sort of mischief Pogo and I can get into today. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

marsha said...

cute bird...glad that your internet pals could identify it for you

Ida said...

Well you faired better then I did with your unidentified bird. So far no one knows what mine is. I like your little bird very much.

NatureFootstep said...

acc to my book it is wagtail (alba)

Stewart M said...

I'd go with Pied Wagtail as well - which is a nice bird to see. We used to have them nest near where I lived.

My most recent trip - which yielded the Emus - was all play - I'm lucky enough to be able to get away of a few days in most of the school holidays, and then there are one or two work trips each year - so I do get about a bit I suppose!

Cheers - Stewart M -Melbourne

Adam Jones said...

I think that's a Pied Wagail. Great pictures.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Wow a Wagtail it does look like and so far from home I would imagine. I hope it gets to where it needs to be to make the long Winter. Great find!

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