Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nature Footstep Abstract

Temperature Change

This abstract took me awhile.  Believe it or not, I started out with a picture of a screen:

I worked and worked with it, but couldn't get what I wanted so I added a color swatch picture that I had taken from the Internet a long time ago ... and finally with a few more tweaks and filters I landed here.  I call it temperature change because the cooler colors seem to be swallowing up the warm colors ... much like our weather is in the fall.  Hope you enjoy ... Have a great week!



NatureFootstep said...

it´s a great name for this piece. It is strange how we sometimes works a lot and don´t get satiesfied, the n you press another butten or, like here, ads a texture and bang! You nailed it. This is a piece I could hang on a wall.

Anonymous said...

very cool...I like the effect of the swirling flowers on the screen

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderfully creative!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Apt title and presentation, I like it!...yep, it's much cooler today♪

lorik said...

Love it Andrea! I like the complexity, the movement....and the colour combinations - even though it isn't orange;)

Elephant's Child said...

Love it - and it makes me think of flowers. Waratahs perhaps...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fantastic work. I am very impressed. You have a wonderful talents to make this beautiful abstract staring from a mundane shot.

CJ said...

Love the colors and design ---great title, too. I understand how this (or an image) can take hours and hours. Sometimes what I have in my head doesn't happen. So I keep trying other processes until 1) it works the way I expected, 2) by luck, I happen upon something that works as well or better, or 3) I give up and go on to other things.

Prairie Jill said...

Beautiful! Don't you just love when you keep on trying and trying ... and finally end up with a wonderful piece like this?!

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