Friday, October 31, 2014

Badger Boos Daft Adventures ...

Halloweens ... Ughs!

Oh Snaps ... it's that dreaded Halloweens Day agains.  You know, the day where Moms dresses me ups like a fools.

Really Moms ... You dresses me ups like a Cowdogs and I is a Sheeps dog!

For those of yous who gets joys out of this day ...

Happy Halloweens!


Sylvia K said...

Fun captures for the day!! Happy Halloween!!!

Jeanne said...

What a sweet dog to let you dress him up like that. I'll bet he is quite handsome even without the hat.

Elephant's Child said...

And what would a sheep dog wear? Other than her own fur and a smile...

Edna B said...

Oh Izzi, you look so charming in your beautiful hat. Pogo isn't wearing a costume this year because we're gong broom riding, and it gets too cold up in the sky. Instead, he bundles up nice and warm. But I do love your hat!!!!!!! Woofs (from Pogo) and hugs, Edna B.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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