Monday, October 13, 2014

NF Inspiring Photography

Our house faces east so, though we get a beautiful sunrise, the sunsets are at our back (which we cannot see because there are too many trees).  But Nature ingratiates us with a pink sky in the east when there is a beautiful sunset going on behind us.  

And though I missed the Blood Moon Eclipse, I did catch The Hunter's Moon in the pink sky ...
Wishing you yet another wonderful week ...


Judy said...

I always check the sky behind me when I am looking at a sunrise or a sunset, so I can see these reflections!!
Your fist image is gorgeous, with the ripples in the water of the reflection of the moon!

NatureFootstep said...

hm, I actually thought the first image was ennough. It made me stop to take another look. It is captivating. :)

The Queen Jester said...

Very pretty moon with the pink sky. I'm never awake for the sunsets and too lazy to step outside for the sunsets.

MTWaggin said...

One of the reasons I love the autumn moons - the sun setting as the moon rises gives it such definition. Love the shots!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Nice! Love moon shots♪

Anonymous said...

gorgeous shots of the moon

D.Nambiar said...

Moon-rise too! :)
Lovely images, both.

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