Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Oh my ... Julie is leaving

A Sad Farewell ... Oh wait!  A Joyful Departure :)

Julie of Julie's Coffee fame is leaving us.  Pulling up stakes and moving to Colorado.  There is definitely a sad feeling when someone so special moves out of your immediate reach ... but the sadness is trumped by the excitement and joy for her new life.  Colorado ... what a great place to go and Julie, who is an awesome artist, will  be like a child in a candy shop out there.  I can't wait to see what she creates on canvas once she gets there.  

I don't know Julie's plans.  We don't have that kind of friendship where we know everything about each other.  I just know that if Julie is in the room, I will be smiling.  She is one of those special people who emits joy even when, in her own life, there may be sadness.  She always makes you feel special and I always look forward to seeing her.  Sadly she is leaving just when I could have spent more time with her.   I have often talked to her about taking art lessons from her, but somehow my life was too full of clutter and I have let that opportunity slip away.  But, her friend Marsha will soon fill that gap and I look forward to learning some artistic techniques from her.  And my husband will be happy to know that the Coffee Shop will remain and they will continue to have Apple Fritters :)

Julie, my friend ... I will miss you in ways you will never understand, but I have hopes of us meeting up again ... either here, when you come home for a visit, or maybe when I wonder out your way.  But, whatever happens, I wish you and Chris the best.  I don't know anyone who deserves a good life more than you. Bon Voyage ... stay safe, stay well and enjoy!



Sylvia K said...

A beautiful post for a beautiful friend! Doesn't get any better. Thanks for sharing, Andrea! I know she will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Thank You Friend... I will miss you. You are one of the many blessings that came with Julie's Coffee!! Love you!!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A lovely post for Julie. You will miss her however at least you can still get coffee!

The Queen Jester said...

You scared me! I thought that sweet little coffee shop was going to be closing. Where would you go?

The Queen Jester said...

You scared me! I thought that sweet little coffee shop was going to be closing. Where would you go?

Jeanne said...

Who knows, perhaps she will start a blog and have online classes. You never know! LOL

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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