Friday, March 21, 2014

Weekend Reflection

My friend (and neighbor) took me out to lunch for my birthday.  We, of course, went to one of our favorite coffee shops because they have marvelous soup and sandwich combinations.  I couldn't help noticing, as we sat there, a young lady getting off of her bicycle and facing the window to block the wind so she could light a cigarette (a very interesting, hand rolled cigarette I might add ... hmmmm).  In her glasses was the reflection of her bike and her friend with a baby on his back.  I couldn't resist this shot :)  Thank you to my friend for a lovely lunch and, as always, a fun and interesting time.


'Tsuki said...

Nice pic indeed ! And a perfect reflection of course... Have a lovely week-end !

Malyss said...

Great catch! not so easy to do..

Taken For Granted said...

Great reflections in the sunglasses, but this women is making two bad choices, smoking and covering her ears while riding a bicycle. Riders need all their senses with attention to their environment just to survive.

Edna B said...

Great shot! Leave it to you to see such interesting shots in such unlikely places. Just goes to show that everywhere you look there is something interesting for the camera lens to capture. Today I did errands, so tomorrow Pogo and I are hoping to take a jaunt through the park to see if the ducks and geese are still there. I did notice a swan a couple of days ago so I'm hoping to maybe find a new family of them soon. You have a wonderful day. Woofs and licks to Izzi from Pogo, hugs, Edna B.

TexWisGirl said...

great catch, andrea! said...

I love portraits and even better when they come with such interesting details! And ...Happy Bithday!

molly said...

Really clever reflection shot


Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

Reality seems more interesting when reflected in someone's sunglasses. Enjoy the weekend.

Viera said...

Beautiful shot on your birthday... I hope you enjoyed it...

The Queen Jester said...

Very interesting shot - hmmm....biking and smoking - somehow the two don't seem to go together. Perhaps with a motorcycle...but not a pedal bike. You sound like you like the same kind of places I do - I could live on soup.

Laura said...

how fun this photo is… I hope you enjoyed your birthday:-)

Elephant's Child said...

Well captured. And your birthday lunch sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

This is the amazing reflection! I couldn't believe you saw it across the room and out the window! Well done!

James said...

I like this a lot! Very cool shot!

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