Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

I spotted this character sitting on the bench on my deck.  Of course, grab the camera, right?

At first I thought it might be Lady Hawk's mate because he was surely much smaller than Lady Hawk (my female Cooper's Hawk who makes frequent visits to my feeders)

But when he turned around and I saw that wide band and squared off tail, I knew I was probably looking at a female Sharp Shin Hawk( she was good size for a Sharp Shin which is why I assume she is a female)  

So sorry for calling you a "he" Lady Sharpie.  Glad to see you ... you are beautiful :)

Happy Wild Bird Wednesday everyone!

P.S.  Drat those dirty windows make it hard to get a clear picture.  But it is too cold to clean them or I would ... really, I would :)


TexWisGirl said...

laughing at the windows! i need to clean mine, too. :) beautiful hawk!

Carletta said...

I haven't had time to get a post ready this week but wanted to visit. So glad I stopped by. These are wonderful. Great captures! It's hard to believe she gets so close. How exciting for you to be able to see her that close.

Findlay Wilde said...

What a great bird to be able to watch out of your window. From Findlay

Unknown said...

She's gorgeous!

Wayne said...

Wow, great photos, she is beautiful. Nice of her to pose so nicely for you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots. Who cares about the windows so long as you can still see the birds!

Gordon said...

What a beautiful and smart looking bird, and how lucky to have it visit your Garden, good photos.
Take care Gordon.

Elephant's Child said...

Oh what a treat. And I love to see that even something as beautiful as this can have a 'bad feather' day.
Windows, shmindows. I don't think that anyone on the death bed mourns for the windows they have left uncleaned...

Karen said...

She's a beauty! I just had a Coopers about 4 feet from me outside the kitchen window, and wouldn't you know it, the camera was downstairs!

Janet Shaw said...

Good Find! :) Hawks are so beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

Cool! Awesome closeups of the Hawk!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea Great shots of this Hawk. I have never seen one and as for the windows!!! I think they are clearer than mine!!!

The Queen Jester said...

You get some interesting visitors to your yard there!

Anonymous said...

The Sharpys have been sitting on my fence since I have been home from the road. Yes, Spring is coming.

Unknown said...

These are incredible shots...thank you.

Veronica Roth said...

She's a beauty and you were quick on the trigger with that camera, congratulations! The other day I had a hawk in my ancient apple tree here in the city. He took apart and ate some small squeaky thing. I ended up burying a piece of it after he accidentally dropped it to the ground and flew off.

marsha said...

wow- fabulous shots. I have never been that close to a hawk!

Stewart M said...

What a great looking bird! I saw a few hawks when I was in Az, but, as to what they were, thats another question!

Thanks for the comments about the email!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: how are the planes for a visiting coming along!!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

WOW Very nice visitor and image shares. They are difficult to ID, I always look at the shape and size of head, thin or thicker legs and that tail end does show much even though it does not appear as such. For me the Coopie always seems to have it's head feathers up and looks like it is wearing a cap ;)

Jenn Jilks said...

I know what you mean! I tried one day and the cleaner froze on the windows! Oh well.
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Pat said...

Fantastic shots!

Ida said...

She is a beauty! This post made me a little sad. You see the one that frequented our bird feeder and I posted about was found by some kids (Coleen among them) dead the other day. I think someone shot it. We brought it home and gave it a proper burial under the bird feeder. Kept a couple of it's tail feathers to remind us of what a beautiful bird it was.

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