Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday's Critters

Yellowstone Wolves

The wolf is much maligned even though he is one of natures most important predators.  Click on "Yellowstone Wolves" above and see how they effect our environment.  And then tell me that it is okay for states like Wisconsin to declare open season on them.


Elephant's Child said...

No it isn't ok. Not for wolves or for far too many other species either. Sometimes (quite often) I despair of our species. said...

What a beautiful creature! In Germany wolves have been sighted in the area where there was the border between East and West….probably coming down from the remote areas in Poland or even Russia.So far they are protected! And it is not ok ...

Leanne said...

GASP I did not know they had open season nooooooooooo. Awesome link to you tube THANK YOU!!!

eileeninmd said...

They are beautiful animals.. I think they are necessary for the environment, keeping it natural.. Great post, thanks for sharing! Thank you for linking up with Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy weekend!

The Queen Jester said...

They are magnificent creatures and help to keep things in balance. In Wisconsin the deer population is so out of whack that you'd think they would welcome the wolf population increase. Nature does quite well without mankind helping.

Anonymous said...

Incredible photograph. So very nice to meet you through Eileen's Saturday's Critters!

Unknown said...

They're magnificent animals!

katerchen said...

ein wundervolles Bild

LG zum Sonntag vom katerchen

Ela said...

They are so beautiful wild animals !
Wonderful shot !

Stewart M said...

Great picture. If ever there was a creature we have got wrong it is this one! I'd love to see - and hear - these in the wild.

Read a book a while back about introducing wolves back in to Scotland - that would be a thing to see!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Wyoming is also doing wolf kills, and surrounding states are joining them. Idaho has taken a stand against it. Our country needs to realize that wildlife is a natural resource, Without the predators, the numbers of ill and so-called nuisance animals rise. Man has created the imbalance and man can alter it in favour of balance. It starts with us taking a stand as voters and the voice of the voiceless. Amen.

NatureFootstep said...

that is something I can´t understand. The same debate we have in Sweden. Love that image. :)

Karen said...

What magnificent creatures they are. I don't know how anyone could kill one.

Icy BC said...

Fantastic shot of this mighty wolf!

Rambling Woods said...

I have been following this and signing petitions etc... Thank you for bringing attention to is shameful and ignorant to kill them....Michelle

Suburban Girl said...

I think they are beautiful animals. And I do not like the hunting of them.

Suburban Girl said...

They are beautiful animals and should not be hunted.

Jeanne said...

loved a book that I read by Rick Bass called the Ninemile Worlves. A pack up in Montana. Hope your weather is beginning to look just a tiny bit more springy.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Such intensity in his/her eyes. Such confidence they appear to have - beautiful

Ida said...

Such a stunning animal. I can't for the life of me understand hunting these animals and while my dad & brothers did hunt deer (I never could kill an animal) they actually ate the meat. But hunting wolves, cougars etc...just for the sport or a trophy makes me very upset.

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