Friday, March 14, 2014

Random 5 Friday

1.  I think I can assume that winter is surely ending when you see a hot air balloon out over the lake ... 

2.  There are, however, those who are not ready to give up on the great winter activities that the lakes provide.

3.  The die-hard fisherman will slip out of their 4x4's and into their fishing boats  before the ice is all melted, so I don't worry about them.   

4.  There is really only one reason why I would hate to see winter go ... it's Izzi.  With all of that coat, she is miserable in the summer heat and she is at the height of her glory in the winter ...

5.  For Izzi and for all of the fun I have with her in the winter, I won't mind waiting a little longer for Spring ...


Nancy said...

Gorgeous shots of Izzi -- my German Shepherds are miserable in winter due to the dryness. Itchy! Thanks so much for joining in at R5F this week Andrea. So enjoyed! xo

Anonymous said...

Glorious pics! And the joy all over Izzy has made my day. I shall walk out into my snowy world with a grin on my face. Thanks for that!

Ida said...

Oh I think it would be COLD to be up in a Hot Air Balloon with snow & ice still on the ground like that.
That lake sure does get the activity.
Loved, Loved, Loved your series of Izzi in the snow. - I am ready for spring and it's showing up here more & more.

Barb said...

I'll wait for spring, too - for Izzy's sake!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

I have a pup who can't stand the summer heat too. He loves Spring when he can go for a swim, but summer is just painful. Izzi is just plain beautiful!

abrianna said...

Where I used to live one summer we had hot air balloons come over and they were so low that we could actually hear the gasps of the fire heating the air. it was so cool.

Poor Izzi in the summer. Some folks here have huskies and I am surprised since it is so hot and humid the majority of the time that i wonder how well they tolerate it. Love the capture of the snow powder around her too.

Badger Boo said...

WOW pawsome pictures Izzi you look like your having so much fun, spectacular action shots Miss Andrea.
Over here it's far to dangerous to go on frozen waters as they're not as solid as they look, so best avoided. But I bet they are great fun to skate on.

Thank you for joining in with this week's Smile it's the Weekend, hope you have a pawsome weekend.


Mascha said...

What a nice and funny dog! The onest one, who loves winter... ;-)
I am always happy when I see: ballons fly again.
Have a great and sunny weekend

Elephant's Child said...

Love, love, love those Izzi shots. And I am with her all the way on her seasonal preference.
We are sneaking up on Autumn here (finally) and in the middle of a balloon festival. Joy.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea Izzi is gorgeous adn these shots of her are fabulous. By the way I like the first Abstract the best.

The Queen Jester said...

She does look like she loves the snow!

Anonymous said...

I like this Random Five, and may join you on this. Nice pictures, too!

Unknown said...

Hi andrea Your Izzi is wonderful and your photographs of her just sing with her joy with winter. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

Andrea, Izzi running in the snow -- a work of art! You got great images of her having a ball in the snow. She must be such a sweetie!

Lynn said...

I am so glad you stopped by my blog, I love the photos of Izzi (one of my old nicknames), she does look to be having the time of her life in the snow and can imagine how hot she must get in the heat. I used to go with my Dad and Uncles ice fishing NO HUTS, it is far more sophisticated now.

marsha said...

Izzi is such a beauty!!! Stewie suffers in the summer too from the heat. Loves the winter....

EG CameraGirl said...

Super shots of Izzi! I think it's time for the ice houses to come off the lakes. Fishers sometimes wait till the last moment, or even longer, and I hate to read about the consequences in the newspaper.

Unknown said...

He's are such wonderful shots of your pup! I enjoyed my stop here this morning!

katerchen said...

ein glücklicher erkennt es an den Augen
wundervoll eigefangen
LG vom katerchen

Edna B said...

Oh my goodness, what FABULOUS photos of Izzi!!! Andrea, these are just gorgeous. Pogo and I got home a few hours ago, and now I'm needing a nap. Will catch up with you later. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

Really love your shots of Izzi! She dies look as if she is having such a marvelous time!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Just love your captures of the dog in the snow!

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