Friday, March 21, 2014

Random 5 Friday

1.  I had a birthday last week ... 73 and counting.  Birthdays are fun, even at my age.  I am just grateful that I am still here to celebrate.

2.  My neighbor brought me flowers for my birthday.  We don't get flowers often in our house for a particular reason which I can explain ...

Flowers seem to attract a lot of attention at my house for some reason (Diva takes time out to smell the flowers)

Izzi takes time out to smell the flowers ...

Chachi, on the other hand, takes time out to "EAT" the flowers.  As it is very hard for me to keep track of which flowers are deadly to cats and as it is impossible for me to keep Chachi away from them, I usually don't put flowers out.  These, however, I was able to find a nice secure high spot for since Chachi is too fat to get up there. 

3.  My other friend gave me a coffee mug ... knowing that coffee is a must have in my daily routine and since I do so much traveling downtown with my daughter, the travel mug was perfect.

4.  My son called me from Thailand with some very good news (which I will discuss at another time), my daughter gave me a beautiful card,  my blogger friend, Edna, called and sang Happy Birthday to me :) and, it hasn't gone unnoticed, all of the "Happy Birthday" wishes I have received from many of my blogger friends in their comments.

5. My FH makes a card for me on the computer every year.  He claims he is not artistic ... but you be the judge.  I love his cards ... they are very special to me.
We also went out to dinner at our favorite Bistro ... yummm.  I have to say again ... I sure am glad I was here to celebrate this Birthday. :)


The Queen Jester said...

Every day is a good day and is blessed - and those birthdays? Each milestone of a year well lived is to be celebrated and cherished. I never used to want to "make a fuss" over birthdays, but when I turned 60 that all changed.

lissa said...

I like the card - it's fun and cute, though I think this the first time I am visiting your blog, happy belated birthday!

have a great day.

Elephant's Child said...

And far too many flowers are poisonous to cats. And one of ours has to be watched like a hawk. She nibbles on them - inside AND outside.
Love your card from FH - and all the deserved love you received.

Mascha said...

Wow, tath's colors! And all are interested in flowers ... (my cat does not notice, but my mother cat does too)
Subsequently Congratulations and that there are many happy sunny days and right spring will come soon.

Veronica Roth said...

Many happy returns of the day Andrea! Looks like you were a lucky girl. :) I can tel you that chrysanthemums are not good for cats. Darn Chachi. What's up with those guys anyway?

Anonymous said...

I think the card is sweet! Flowers don't last here, either. I'm always afraid someone will get sick...and they do. (nothing serious!) The reflection certainly is interesting! I am glad you had a good birthday! Many more!!

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, happy happy birthday to you, tho a bit belated!! Sounds like you had a most perfect day celebrating. Your bouquet is beautiful, and the card is perfect. Out to dinner is a must on my 'to receive' list. LOL

Hope you enjoyed the day, and are enjoying your weekend.

Sarah Huizenga said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great one!

Ida said...

Well Happy (belated) Birthday! It's awesome that you do blogging and such at 73, my mom is 85 and has NO desire to use a computer at all. I admire those who at older ages embrace technology.
Sound like you had a delightful birthday and received some wonderful gifts. I know what you mean about the flowers and cats. We have the same problem here.

TexWisGirl said...

how very sweet! happy 73rd to you, andrea! i love our pets, too.

Nancy said...

Love the name Chachi! A very happy birthday to you -- sounds like you had a great one! xo

abrianna said...

Love the colorful flowers.Happy Birthday to you!

Edna B said...

Andrea, at our age, Birthdays really are special. They mark another year in our lives full of memories. I wish you many more happy years. Hugs, Edna B.

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