Monday, March 24, 2014

NF Inspiring Photography - Catch The Light

This lonely light hung on the ceiling of a restaurant I recently visited (Good food too :) ... but, sorry, I know this is a photography meme, but I couldn't resist playing with this one.

There, now I think this little lonely light looks happier :)


ulla laiho said...

Yes, much happier and very beautiful!

Kmcblackburn said...

What a fun and creative edit you did! I also wanted to thank you for the kind words you left on my blog :)

Elephant's Child said...

You made that lonely caged light look much happier. Love it.

Fran said...

Good work with the caged light. I think the meme includes photo art, so it's all good.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea. Yes I agree it looks less lonely as before it looks like it was somewhere in space.

Anonymous said...

It looks surreal, like an interpretation of the light. Interesting.

NatureFootstep said...

hi Andrea. I totally agree on the statement. :)

Edna B said...

I agree, your lonely light bulb looks much nicer now. great creative work Andrea. The bulb reminds me of the first house my folks when I was a teenager. The only light was a lonely light bulb hanging from a cord in the kitchen. The house also had a three seater in the back yard. Lucky me, I got to grow up in this handyman's special, and watch in awe as my daddy transformed it into a really beautiful home. Thanks for the wonderful memory, hugs, Edna B.

Edna B said...

Andrea, let me know if you got my comment. If not, I will come back and repost. Hugs, Edna B.
Google is playing games again.

Ida said...

Well I like what you did to transform that lonely light. It's very cheerful.

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