Saturday, January 5, 2013

Zendala Dare

The Bright Owl

  Zendala #39

 I am new at Zentangle so I don't really have a collection of Zen Do's or Zen Don'ts yet, so I am just going to wing it this time.  I had a theme in mind when I started ... the sun and all that it nourishes.  I made the mistake of doing my tangle on the small form and found it hard to get the detail as clear as I wanted it.  When I was finished, it seemed very confusing.  It needed something to pull it together ...

So .... I tried something different.  I combined my Zentangle with my texture art that I do for PAF and this is the result.  
  Now it makes a little more sense, right?  I love this art form ... hope to be doing a lot more of it this year.


ledenzer said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun with this one! It is a really beautiful tangled dare!

Tangles and More said...

I agree with ledenzer that it looks like you had fun. Paricipating in the dare and challenge is a great way to enjoy the art of Zentangle®. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Ronnie said...

Your finished Zendala is lovely! Thanks for sharing your process. What is PAF?

Didisch said...

I do agree with both comments above. They look great, and it is magical how adding some color can fill in the missing part! I hope we will see more of your work this year!

Elephant's Child said...

Simply brilliant. I liked the original, and I loved it when you pulled it together with your Photo Art Friday skills. Clever, clever, clever.

Unknown said...

ooo that looks nice! reminds me of a ivy tendriled house :)

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Sorry, Ronnie, I shouldn't have assumed everyone would know what it was. PAF is "Photo Art Friday" a wonderful photo art challenge that I participate in. It is sponsored by Pixil Dust Photo Art ... you should check it out and see if it interests you. It is great fun:)

Andrea @ From The Sol

Sue Sharp said...

Lovely! Keep posting!

Edna B said...

I have not seen this form of artwork before, but it looks quite interesting. I really like your finished design. I think I'll go check it out. Night now. Hugs, Edna B.

Anne's tangle blog said...

Your zendala's are great. The second one is my favourite if I had to chose.
Nice to see you here, hope to see more of you.

Run Shines said...

You did a great job with this one! Fresh new ideas! Keep them coming.

Karen Lynn said...

A really fun zendala. Great job!

HansHB said...

Nice post, interesting!

Dragonstar said...

I don't understand the background to this, but I like your design.

Prairie Jill said...

Nice combination of your zentangle and texture!

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