Monday, January 14, 2013

Izzi ... Up and at 'um again

When my Granddaughter was here over Christmas, she ran Izzi in another Agility Trial.  Sorry folks for the braggadocio, but what's a Grandma to do  ....... :)

Normally I would do the weave pole series as a GIF, but my GIF is not working for me today:(
Woo Hoo I got my GIF to work ... proabably too little too late, but here it is ...

These pictures are complements of Steve Delaney of Paw Print Pictures ... Thanks Steve :)


Jeanne said...

Great shots! and what alot of training has gone in to this!

Elephant's Child said...

Izzi looks so happy. Bragging totally justified. (And your grand-daughter is beautiful too)

The Queen Jester said...

I'm always torn between wanting to get a dog or a cat when the time is right again. I love both and cats are easier to manage. But the training aspect, and the agility trials would be my main reason for wanting a dog. This looks like so much fun!

Edna B said...

Golly Wow! What fabulous photos! Your Izzy is simply gorgeous! And smart! I can see all the hard work that went into this training for both of you. But oh my, I'll bet you are one very proud Mom! And rightly so!! I'll have to snitch one of these photos for Pogo.

Now I'm off to catch up with the rest of your posts. Have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...