Thursday, January 17, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday
This prompt could have gone on and on ... there were so many choices, so I tried to pick those that meant something to me personally.
This picture speaks to the Rehabbing of Raptors ... how some recover and are once again set free and how some remain in captivity because of their injuries ... One can only hope that we are able to provide a quality of life worthy of these magnificent birds.

This is Izzi (The little Aussie) and her friends Raven and Riley(German Shepherds) at the ranch where the Frisson horses live (Aren't they awesome?).  Have you ever watched your dog sleeping and dreaming with their little feet running as fast as they can ... this is how I imagine  Izzi's dreams :)
Repose was one of my words in Bonnie's previous prompt ... rest and relaxation.  That is one of my goals for this year.  I sometimes get so busy I fail to take time out for myself.  I am hoping I can correct that ... and what better way than to get lost in the music of the gorgeous and talented  David Garrett :)

As a country we have much we need to talk about.  We live in a culture of violence  and have, pretty much, managed to ignore it as long as it didn't effect us personally ... but we can't hide from the truth anymore.  Our children have been slaughtered with assault weapons and, even since that horrible day, over 900 citizens have died from gun shot wounds.  This is the rule, not the exception.  It will continue to go on around us until we stand up and be counted.  There is nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership.  That is not the culprit here.  It is guns in the hands of people who are dangerous to themselves and to others ... that is what we need to address.  It is a cultural issue, the cause of which we don't even understand.  But we must start talking about it, looking for reasons and causes and then addressing them in a responsible way.  Our future, our children and grandchildren deserve better.  Now is the time ... start by letting your congressmen know what you expect from them and then hold them accountable.  Start be reading and listening ... learning and searching for answers.  Join in the discussion ... Be a part of the Solution.

Amen ... Sorry for the rant, but hay, you gotta do what you gotta do :)


Jeanne said...

Andrea the first two edits you have done here are so amazing. I love these digital edits and they are both so meaningful. It is so interesting that you have been involved in the rehabilitation of these beautiful and noble birds! Very wonderful post! I really have enjoyed it!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

WOW!!! The creativity displayed here takes my breath away. Just love how you have the bird and the horses stepping out from the frame within the greater frame of the canvas. Genius!

The second image does have the quality of a dream.

The fourth image is a sobering invitation to think seriously about our long held, yet perhaps now out-dated beliefs.

Thank you Andrea!

Anonymous said...

I think they are all genius, and the last one should be used as a billboard!!!

Edna B said...

Wow, your creativity knows no bounds. These first two pictures are just fabulous. I love the out of bounds feature you've used. Izzy's dream picture is awesome!

As for your rant, I have to agree with you. At some point here, we all have to take a stand and be heard.

Now it's back to bed for bonzo here. Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Stunning. All of them. And that is a soapbox you can trumpet from anytime you want. Lives are lost, have been lost, will be lost, and I am sure that a solution can be found.
Thank you - a brilliant post.

Anonymous said...

Your photo art makes a statement, illustrating your rant. I think many feel this way. I am a firm believer that if you aren't part of the soution, you are part of the problem. We need to find a way to reach out. You did here. Peace.

Ida said...

Oh my gosh these are amazing. Those 1st 2 are just wonderful pieces and the last very thought provoking. You did a fabulous job with these pieces.

Currie Silver said...

however can I say what this post evoked in me?! so much. so very VERY much. you provoked thought and reflection. you made me BE astonished at the magic in the first 2 and grateful for your voice in the last. the 3rd one just gave me space to catch my breath...

utterly wondrous, Andrea!!!

Brian King said...

Fantastic job, Andrea! I love the hawk!

Marilyn said...

Oh, these are all terrific. I love the way the raptor exits the frame.

Pat said...

Love the doggy dreams!

Electra said...

Well said, Andrea. Your work is gorgeous. I hope you know how talented you are!

Sherri B. said...

Your edits are wonderful - so creative! I love them all. And I agree with all you said about the gun problem...

Bruno Laliberté said...

Honey!! You need to rant more often!!
May these sensible words find their place in the collective mind and become reality.

As for yourself, yes, don't neglect yourself. Having time to rebooth is a necessity and you'll only come up with more fresh ideas.
Keep well!!

Anonymous said...

Another WOW for you...Amazing work!

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