Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday 27

I have a lot of birds at my feeders in the winter.  I love the winter pictures because the colors seem to stand out against the white or grey background (as opposed to competing with the colorful summer foliage and flowers).  I also like when the birds puff up to keep warm.  I feel sad for them, but they seem to do fine in the cold as long as they get enough to eat.  This week I am focusing on the Purple Finch.  Enjoy ...

I don't see the Purple Finch often in the summer.  They are not really migrating birds but in the winter they will move around an area to look for food.   The name "Purple Finch" is deceiving but really comes from the word purpureus which is a Latin word meaning crimson.
This is a stock picture of a Purple Finch Female.  Strangely I don't seem to have any pictures of the females.  It may be that I didn't spot her because she blends in with the sparrows at the feeder.  Her only distinction is the white eyebrow.  Now I am challenging myself to find her with my own camera :)  Have a wonderful week everyone ...


Modesto Viegas said...

Very good capture!

Anonymous said...

A very handsome fellow, he is.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful visitors!

HansHB said...

Gorgeous serie of photos!
Have a grea evening!

mick said...

Great photos of the Purple Finch and they certainly do show up well with the snow behind them. I hope you see and photograph the female soon!

Carole M. said...

beautiful photographs and then I wonder is there not a glare caused from photographing with a snow background? Do you need to use is it..a polarizing filter? I love your photos the Purple Finch is spectacular

Karen said...

He's a beaut! Great shots.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely shots of the finches! They are beautiful birds!

Brian King said...

Beautiful shots of the Purple Finches! We have lots of House Finches here.

Elephant's Child said...

Such a beautiful bird. A bird to brighten even the dullest of days. I love her eyebrow and do hope that you are able to capture her with you inmitiable style soon.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Those Purple Finches are brilliant!!!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Hi, Carol, In answer to your question ... yes I do use a UV filter on my lens. It does cut the glare and I leave it on my zoom lens most of the time. I am not one to fool with filters, as a rule, but this one was recommended and I think it makes a significant difference.


Edna B said...

I agree, these are great photos of the purple finch. We have them here, but they don't always photograph so well because of the backgrounds. I never realized that info about the female. I'll have to be watching more closely from now on.

Thank you for the info re: the UV filter. I'll have to try that.
Hugs, Edna B.

Stewart M said...

Splendid pictures - my feeders were ignored this winter - maybe its just not cold enough.

The fire situation here is not good - we have large fires in Victoria and the first part of our Tasmanian trip was disrupted by fires.

Thanks for the link to WBW.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

PS: sorry for slow reply - I been out of internet range in Tasmania!

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