Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cat Thursday

My Boys are lovers ... not a mean bone in their bodies.  When we were dog sitting a little Yorkie named Big Mack, they all played together constantly.  The boys would even discipline Big Mack when he got too wild, the same way that their mother did when they were wild.  It was so fun to watch.  I am sure that Big Mac left here every day thinking he was just another cat in a cat pack :)

The play was rough, but Big Mack never got even a scratch on him.  They all loved it!  Pets are such a source of joy ...


Sylvia K said...

Oh, how fun!! Pets are indeed such a source of joy!!! Couldn't be without my Sam Schnauzer!! When my son came to get me to take me to Portland for Christmas, there was no question that Sam would go and he's afraid of planes and trains, so a trip to get us both was the only answer -- well, actually, there was never a question for any of us -- he and his wife are dog lovers, too!! Hope all of you have a great week!

Jeanne-Sylvie said...

What a lovely little troupe you had! And probably a lot of animation in your house!Thanks for sharing such adorable pictures!

Brooke Showalter said...

They look like they're having so much fun! :)

Stopping by from Cat Thursday :D
Brooke @ Brooke Blogs

Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

Aww...they get along so well! Love the second picture with Mack in the tunnel! Happy New Year from Piper and myself!

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Aw sweetness! I love when the herd gets along like that. They're so cute together!!

Thanks for sharing your little ones!

The Queen Jester said...

I'm trying so patiently to wait until next fall to get another cat (or cats). Our agreement was to wait one year before adding a new feline member to the home. However, I found myself moving things around today and saying to myself "that would be a good spot for the litter box". I want to wait until I'm home again in the La Crosse area to visit the local shelter there so they can get started out with their shots at my favorite vet.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Indeed they are!!
Tahnks for sharing this story with us, and a Happy New Year to you!!
looking for more of these in the new year.

Elephant's Child said...

How lucky you are - and how lucky we are to be gifted with the photos of these beautiful boys and their friend.
Jazz (the glamorous psycho cat) attempts to kill me and to kill Jewel on an all too regular basis. I suspect he would also try and skewer any visiting dog (particularly a small one).

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Adorable! They really were chums. It's so funny because it reminds me of our current situation. As you know, we moved in with my mom and brought A and A with us. Well, mom has a cat (Emma) and a dog (a pom named Flencia). The cats have no problem with the dog, but the three cats...well, it's like watching a Mexican stand off. Arya is particularly wary of Emma. If she comes near, Arya growls and she sounds just like a bobcat (or some such) would sound. It's hilarious because she normally has such a baby meow.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...