Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday


There is a message here ... do you see it?   If so, what do you see?
Great to be back on MOM :)


Luna Miranda said...

interesting...i can't see the message.:p

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Think in terms of mankind turning their back on ... whatever you think, and building walls between themselves and ... whoever you think. I have my own thoughts, but it means more to you if it comes from your own thoughts. Does that help?


Elephant's Child said...

I felt pity for this man whose walls prevent him from accessing the healing magic of nature, signified by the sprays of grape(?) leaves, burnished by the sun. And then I thought I was being a pretentious tosser.
Regardless, I love the image and do feel lonliness and isolation in it.

lorik said...

I think the man is breaking down the barriers (wall) of prejudice- i wondered if his hat was representative of a religion. Or at least he is ignoring the barriers.
After I wrote this I read the earlier comments- it is interesting that Elephant's Child saw the wall as stopping him . I agree with her about the loneliness though.
I am so glad to have you back on MoM! Thank you for sharing this work:)

Edna B said...

I agree this is quite interesting. I'm not good at picture puzzles, but I do feel a sense of loneliness. Or is it maybe a sense of beginning? Is he walking toward a light, a ray of hope? I see many different types of walls, and it looks like he is carrying a duffle bag of sorts. So maybe he is headed toward a new life adventure? You got me.

This is definitely one of those pieces of photo art that should be enlarged and framed to be hung on the wall of a gallery. Fabulous job! I'm at work, so gotta go. You have a great night. Hugs, Edna B.

Jane said...

Even vines can break through strong barriers a little at a time -be brave move on!

carol l mckenna said...

Moving forward despite any past difficulties would be my thought ~ Creative photography ~

(A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I lovae how there are so many different interpretations. That is what I want from my art. For you to be able to see your own version and for it to have meaning. This has been fun and I love how many of you have positive outlooks ... I need to find mine again :)


Maria @ LSS said...


Lobster Bisque

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...