Friday, January 4, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Unlike Bonnie, as I contemplate the coming year I couldn't limit myself to one guiding word.  When I read the prompt the first word that came to mind was rest ... After a holiday season of rushing and exhilaration my thoughts turned to rest, relaxation, quiescence, Repose ... So I chose the word Repose.
Sitting down with a good book is my idea or relaxation, but that only addresses the moment.   I am not the kind of person who can sit still for hours or sometimes even minutes.  My brain starts thinking of ways to get me moving which breaks my ability to concentrate.  I would probably have been diagnosed as ADHD when I was young, but sorry, too late.  I don't need pills, I just need activity.  So I went back to thinking about, what is it that I want to guide me through this year.   I would like to rekindle some of the those things that I love, but have let fall by the wayside. I have loved this meme.  I love doing photo art and working with textures, but I want to do more with it.  I want to do more with my art in general.  I would like to rekindle that fire .... so my word of choice is Rekindle
  Ah, but that is not all of who I am.  I have another guiding word that speaks to me.   As a retired Nurse I miss the satisfaction of giving ... giving hope and help to others.  Giving hope and help to wildlife and animals that are struggling to survive through no fault of their own.  I don't like to see pain and I strive to give in a way that will relieve it or remove it.  That guides me every day.  I am in hopes of volunteering at a Free Clinic during the year as well as spending more time with my beloved Raptor Programs. 
 So glad to be back with Photo Art Friday.  Looking forward to a wonderful year with you, Bonnie, and all of the others who join in. 


Terrie said...

You've got some meaningful words chosen here and all so beautifully illustrated. I haven't participated in PAF for months so it was nice to get back to it....

Edna B said...

I love your word choices and your photo art. I too, had a difficult time narrowing it down to one word, but finally settled on "seek". I am constantly learning and seeking out the beauty around me. I also want to do more with my photography. I hope to be enjoying these same things when I am 100. If I continue to blog till then, and continue to have my blogs printed as hard cover books, then I should have at least 63 blog books to pass along to my daughter Audrey. She may not still want them by then as she will be pretty elderly herself. lololol!

I was so looking forward to posting my photo art this morning. I spent several hours working on it last night. However, Blogger had other ideas. Ah well, if it weren't for these little surprises, life would be dull.

You have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

Love your word and the story behind it!!! Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Your images are just outstanding. I particularly like the second one with the words overlayed on the image.
And your post was interesting to read. Sounds like retirement agrees with you tho!
Happy 2013 as you REKINDLE!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Love your words Andrea. They pretty much cover the things a healthy human needs to do and I have no doubt you will find your way to do all three.

Elephant's Child said...

Your 'words', your images and your prose provide an accurate composite picture of the very special person I have come to know in the blogosphere. I hope all of the words come to fruition for you.

Jeanne said...

I love your words and your edits here are just beautiful! Hope that you do get to do some work at the free clinic. I have done some things like that and they are so personally rewarding! Know that you would be a real blessing in that sort of setting as I see what sort of person that you are. Interesting to see Rekindle. I have posted a couple of shots lately with that word as it was the holiday message of Starbucks, where I have to say, I do enjoy hanging out. Blessings to you in the new year!

Kathy Reed said...

all beautiful thoughts and nicely put together digital art ;)

Ida said...

Great choices for your "words" - It was hard to just pick one. I like your art pieces very much and look forward to seeing where your creative journey takes you this year.

The Artful Diva said...

"Repose" I love it!

Pat said...

Lovely work.

Currie Silver said...

how generous of you to share the unfolding process, Andrea! I think your words each evoke an aspect of you and YOUR LIFE and that is as it should BE.

for me, for my word, Enough, I am allowing myself to BE Enough. To DO Enough. and where I, too, could have chosen several, this year feels like the year when what I DO is Enough.

I have wanted to DO MORE, too, with my art, and I was DOing a great many things in 2012. As this year, as the first week of this year is unfolding I am dealing with BEing "sick" though I know that there has to BE a better word... just feeling unwell, lost my voice for a few days, coughing, sluggishness. And yet even in that I am feeling Enough.

For me this is an extraordinary feat, wonderful change, and it fills me with Hope.

You really got me thinking. I love that. Thanks. Sorry to go all wordy!!

jesh StG said...

Andrea, thank you for leaving that kind and sensitive comment on my art blog (artnotesfromJesh). Was quite taken by it, but now I know you are a nurse (because compassion does not stop with retirement:) ) I understand...! Have several long time friends who are a nurse - we think alike!
Wishing you a wonderful year!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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