Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cat Thursday

Did you know there are movies for your cat?  I didn't until someone gave me this one ... all it is, is bugs walking across the TV screen.  But ... I guess that is all that is needed :)


Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf said...

They certainly seem riveted! :)

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Aw look at them! Are they related? Mine have never paid much attention to the cat videos but I've not tried the just a bug ones. The bird/butterfly/fish ones they just looked at me like I was nutty. Bugs might be another thing but mine would so knock the tv down. LOL

Glad your two enjoyed it!

The Queen Jester said...

Hmmm, that's an interesting concept. I used to let Baxter watch the big cat series on Animal Planet but she started to have delusions of grandeur and I had to rein her back in a bit. I think all cats see themselves as kind of the jungle. Hey, why not? I see myself as the Queen!

Anonymous said...

My friend, Mr. H , used to have me play a movie of birds for his cat (when I would petsit). Mouschi loved it. I think my girls all prefer the bay window seat, though they watch TV if it catches their eye.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Please don't tell my cats about that..they'll want the videos!

Elephant's Child said...

Cat videos. Hmmm - depending on the cats that could be fraught with danger. Years back footage of a mouse plague appeared on our television. One of our then cats spent the next two days trying to burrow through or under the television. He WANTED those mice.

I love the bug whisperers in action. Brilliant shot - thank you.

Brooke Showalter said...

I had no idea there were cat movies...I'll have to look into it lol.

Stopping by from Cat Thursday :)

Edna B said...

OH my, I love it! Years ago, when we had two cats, we bought a couple of cat videos to play for our fur babies. They would sit and watch for the longest time. I can't tell which of us spoils our little ones more. But this is good! You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

That is so great! I had no idea. May have to look into them for my girls.

Thanks, Andrea!

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