Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog Award

I am no longer excepting awards, not because I don't appreciate them, but because they take a lot of time to do right ... and I seem to be short on time these days.  This award, however, was passed on to me by my friend and neighbor, McGuffy Ann, who I adore and, for some reason, can't seem to say no to :)  So for her, I will go through the process, because she is the best and deserves a good response.  When I say the best, I mean it ... go see her on her blog and see for yourself ... http://mcguffysreader.blogspot.com/

There are several rules we must follow in order to accept this award:
1) Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2) Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back to them.
3) Answer the 5 simple questions.
4) Nominate blogs for the award and notify each of them.
5) Display the award on your blog somewhere.

Here are the 5 questions and answers:

1. If you could change one thing, what would you change?
 I am sure if I gave it some thoughts there are many things in my life I would change, but things are what they are and, though my life isn't perfect, I can't complain.  The things I would change are not so much in me, but in things that have happened to people I love ... once again, not within my purview.  So, that said,  if I were going to say that I would want to change something, it would probably be to change the fact that I can't change what is ... confusing, right?

2. If you could repeat an age, what would it be? Any year?

Repeat an age?  No, No, No ... now if you would ask me if I want to stop the aging process, we would have something to discuss.  But, I am perfectly happy with where I am ... no need to go anywhere else.  I just plan to keep plugging and let nature take it's course ... and fingers crossed that what is in the cards for me is positive:)

3. What is one thing that really scares you?

I am not going to go deeply into my answer to this question ... Suffice it to say, that it scares me that there are people who want to force me (and others) to live our lives by their rules ... not the rules that we grew up with or believe in.  I love my freedom of choice and won't give it up easily to anyone.

4. What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you'll be able to complete it?

I have lived a good life.  Not an extravagant life, but I am healthy, happy and financially stable (for the moment).  So I am not going to look that gift horse in the mouth and wish for more.  There are things that I need to do, but they have nothing to do with dreams.   They have more to do with responsibilities and I do certainly hope I am able to complete them.

5. If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be?

I would like to walk a mile in the shoes of every person who has said "walk a mile in my shoes" so that I could be more insightful and a better friend to those who need a good friend. 

I have many favorite blogging friends who I would like to pass this award on to.  Unfortunately, most of them, like me, don't accept awards because, again, it takes a lot of time.  But, there are those few deserving friends who might like the idea of an award, so I will pass this award on to them.  Please take the time to go visit each one, because, if you enjoy my blog, you will most certainly enjoy theirs ... 
Elephant Child(http://myjustsostory.blogspot.com/)  Elephant Child is facing some difficult times and I know she won't be able to respond to this award.  But, I want her to have it so she knows I am thinking of her.
Life in a Canned Ham(http://lifeinacannedham.blogspot.com/)
Be Currie (http://becurrie.blogspot.com/)
The Butterfly:Metamorphasis from the cacoon(http://thebutterflymetamorphosis.blogspot.com/)



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them & you. I am glad you accepted this award, and I hope people will come & join you. All the best!

Edna B said...

Andrea, thank you so much for this award, I'm honored. I have just downloaded it, and will post it on my blog tomorrow.

I do want to check out some of the other blogs. I love visiting new places. Thank you so much, and you have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

Thank you so much for this award. I'm never quite sure what to do with them -but will try to play with this later when I don't have to rely on using my hotspot to access the internet.
This was how I found your site and it is so sweet that you would honor me in this way.

The Queen Jester said...

Thank you so much for this award. I'm never quite sure what to do with them -but will try to play with this later when I don't have to rely on using my hotspot to access the internet.
This was how I found your site and it is so sweet that you would honor me in this way.

The Queen Jester said...

Thank you so much for this award. I'm never quite sure what to do with them -but will try to play with this later when I don't have to rely on using my hotspot to access the internet.
This was how I found your site and it is so sweet that you would honor me in this way.

The Queen Jester said...

Thank you so much for this award. I'm never quite sure what to do with them -but will try to play with this later when I don't have to rely on using my hotspot to access the internet.
This was how I found your site and it is so sweet that you would honor me in this way.

The Queen Jester said...
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