Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunday Selection

Sunday Selections # 102

EEEK, a Bat ...
I had the privilege, a few years ago, to meet a gentleman who rescued bats and  traveled around the state educating people on the importance of bats in a community.  Ever get bit by a mosquito?  Buy a Bat House.   We have brown bats in our area and I am oh so happy to see them darting through the yard when the mosquito's are out.  They eat a huge number of mosquito's every night and probably are responsible for keeping the West Nile death rate down in our state (and all over).  I took this picture a long time ago, so I don't remember which kind of fruit bat it is.  But, isn't he handsome?


The Queen Jester said...

When we had our sticks and bricks house in the woods we had bats and I encouraged them with bat houses also. I have to admit that any close encounters always chilled me a bit, but only because of the threat of rabies. They are incredible creatures and so misunderstood.

Elephant's Child said...

He is very beautiful indeed. I don't know whether the colour of his eye(s) or his shirt front is the most stunning. Thank you.

Kateri said...

Bats can be so cute. :) I've never seen an orange one! He is quite handsome!

Edna B said...

I have never seen a bat up close and personal. This fellow is quite handsome! I never knew they had orange on them either. This is a great photo!! You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Never understood why people get so hysterical about these. True, I've rarely seen any but those I did, I just remained still and was never bothered by them.

Cute little fellow here.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...