Thursday, January 31, 2013

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Minimalism is a place I would like to be, but I struggle with a clutter of ideas that keep hampering my attempts.  I explored this concept through different means and came up with several versions.  I have my favorites, but would love your opinions as well ...

This picture is from my soul ... Nature is what I live by and the spiritual powers of the the Indian culture and how nature was intricately woven into their lives leads me to where I want to be ... where things that matter are savored and protected.

In sharp contrast, this is an exercise in simplistic shapes ... does it have a meaning, I am not so sure.  Maybe to someone else who lives it that world :)

Again this speaks of nature ... of the oppressive burden placed on wildlife and all of nature by man's destructive habits ... just my opinion.

 This piece speaks of motion ... a restlessness that I often feel.  The need to be doing things (keeping busy, my husband calls it).  I don't see it as a bad thing, but it can be pressing ... sometimes I just look forward to a peaceful moment to unwind.

 Even the smallest life is important in the scheme of things ... I can't bring myself to step on an ant or kill a spider.  I love what God gave us, every little thing ...



Miriam said...

Goodness Andrea your interpretations are fascinating. For me the last one is my favourite because I understand it. I do like the first one though.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Wow Andrea - you have really unleashed the artist in you this week!!! These are just amazing. The first one takes my breath away and deserves a prominent spot somewhere for all to see. Bravo! Oh, really like the third one a lot too.

Brian King said...

Nicely done! I really like the third and fifth ones, but they're all beautiful!

Jeanne said...

These are all so fascinating Andrea! I love the capture of the expression on this beautiful womans face. Looks like she is holding all the knowledge of the world, and also love the ant. Such perfect simplicity you have captured. Lovely , and very artistic interpretations.

Anonymous said...

I think I have a good grasp on the minimalist ideals, having learned that valuable lesson of what is important and what is not.
This is an excellent, revealing post. Well done.

Kim Stevens said...

Oh oh oh, love them. The first one speaks to me because nature is just in my blood...the third one, I absolutely agree about the burden of mans destruction on wildlife...and I can't believe I've met another person who won't kill even a bug or a spider. I even capture the spiders and take them outside! xo

Well done!

Electra said...

More beauty from you Andrea. The first is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

in my opinion the wildlife and the ant are just genius !

Currie Silver said...

each one can BE favourite depending on the part of me looking, and really seeing.

I often wonder how my process is like another's and in this post I feel I've had a glimpse of yours.

the last one really fascinates me. there is a quality of contrast in it which makes me sort of hold my breath.

all around a gorgeous post and wondrously thoughty and thought-provoking.

The Queen Jester said...

I love the one with the heron but I have to say my favorite is the one with the tiny bug in a corner. I also will pick up misguided insects and release them back into an environment better suited to them...and me.

Andrea Dawn said...

Hey Andrea, your creations are so very inspiring. That second one appeals to the patchwork artist in me, but my favourites are #3 and #5. Thanks for sharing your 'art and sol'.

Ida said...

Wow! You are so creative. Each one is so different. My favorite is the last one.

John said...

SIMPLY beautiful!!!

Edna B said...

Andrea, your pictures are so thought provoking. My favorite is the first one, followed closely by the last one. I am at home with nature, although I will squish an ant if it is small enough. Otherwise, I have my son in law come over and remove any insects that invade my space. If he wants to relocate them, so be it as long as it is not close to my house. I know I'm bad, but we all have our little dark side. That's mine.

In the first picture, the look on that woman's face reaches into my heart and makes me want to help ease her worries. She has the look of a seer and a healer.

While I'm being so philosophical, Pogo is curled next to me snoring away. I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky to have this little guy in my life. He is definitely a huge bundle of sunshine.

Now I think I'll have a cup of cocoa and then turn in for some winks. You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

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