Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wordless Wednesday


This young man was a guest in my house while his handler was away.  He is a male American Kestrel, the smallest of the Falcons in the United States.  He is an education bird for the Illinois Raptor Center.  Because they are migrating birds it was necessary to bring him in the house because it was too cold for him in his mew.  He is a wild bird that was injured (left wing) and though he could still fly, he could no longer hunt well enough to survive in the wild.  He now travels to schools, park districts and organizational gatherings to educate people about the important  role of the raptor in the balance of nature.   Is he not a handsome boy?


Elephant's Child said...

More than handsome - he is stunningly beautiful. How many of the injured raptors brought in can be returned to the wild?

Veronica Lee said...

He's gorgeous! Awesome capture!

Unknown said...

Great shot! I am a bird enthusiast so I am thrilled to see this picture. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Great shot! I am a bird enthusiast so I am thrilled to see this picture. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Willie! I know him! Handsome, definitely.

Create With Joy said...

Such a pretty boy. I love your work with the birds!

Edna B said...

He is certainly very beautiful! I envy that you can get so up close and personal with these fabulous birds. And do you take him for a walk while he is perched on your hand? Oh my, how thrilling.

Now I really must hop back into bed and get rid of this nasty bug. You have a great night, hugs, Edna B.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Sad that it now has to rely on human care for its survival but if it fell into loving hands, I can only admire those involved in its care. Splendid bird!!

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