Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

Join Stewart and the other bird lovers here ...
A bird in the talons is worth two in the bush!

Pictures look a little grainy?  Well, there is a reason for that ... a senior moment reason which you don't need to know the details of,  but ... with a little PS lovin' I was able to save the pictures and thought they were good enough to share.
Lady Hawk on my neighbors bush ... I spotted her while I was driving by so opened the window and started shooting (after I stopped the car, of course :)

Either she realized that the bush was too thick and she was never going to get at the prey,  or she didn't like that I was watching her ... she gave it up and flew away.  Sorry Lady Hawk, the prey wins this time. 


Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Too bad about the graininess, but still very enjoyable photos to see...

eileeninmd said...

Cool captures of the hawk in action! A neat sight to see! Thanks for sharing!

Jeanne said...

What a great opportunity to see t hat beautiful bird up so close like that. Too bad about the graininess, but hey, we all have those happenings. Just good you had the camera. HOpe you are having a great week!

Anonymous said...

Mr. & Mrs. both hunt my bushes and yard. I hear them, see them, and find evidence. I told you they were active, so am not surprised you caught this. Great pictures.

thewovenspoke said...

So lucky to get that close to the hawk and be able to get those shots.

TexWisGirl said...

looked like she gave it a really good try!

Karen said...

They are brazen when it comes to finding a meal!

Elephant's Child said...

Certainly good enough to share - and what a privilege to see.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Andrea what a fantastic opportunity to see this bird as close as you did. Glad you stopped the car!!

Carole M. said...

lovely to see; how special to observe so closeby

Stewart M said...

What a great back-yard bird. Grain or not, it's a good thing to have captured..

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

marsha said...

fabulous...a great series of shots

Edna B said...

Wonderful photos Andrea. That's how it happens sometimes with great photo ops. At least you had a camera with you. Sometimes I'm in the right spot at the right time, but with no camera. One of these days I'm going to get a phone with a good camera so that I can be prepared for these "off" days. I rarely see a hawk in my area, so I do appreciate your photos. Pogo and I are going to the garden center today to see what we can find new for our garden. It will feel good to be out in the warm sun. You and Izzi have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna and Pogo B.

Unknown said...

A beautiful bird!

LadyD Piano said...

Lovely Lady Hawk; she is majestic! Great photo series!

Ida said...

Well I'm happy you were able to salvage the pictures because she's a beauty of a bird.

Dave said...

always good enough to share images of hawks, well recovered and yes, thanks for sharing.

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